Cant make a Xprssion pedal to work

  • Without answering your first question: this is not the way to connect an expression pedal. The guitar goes straight to the input, there is a dedicated input for expression pedals in the back. I don’t know your exact pedal, so I can’t tell you what cable you need. The manual will tell you more about this.

  • Hi Jevo.

    On the Dunlop pedal

    "Set TUNER/EXP switch to the EXP position"

    See: DVP4 manual

    On the Kemper Profiler

    " ... connect your expression pedal to the PEDAL 1 input, and assign the Wah Pedal function in System Settings on the page “Pedal 1”. Then, press the soft button “Calibrate” and sweep the pedal all the way from heel through to toe position. The bar below “Calibrate” should reflect that move. "

    Source: Kemper Manual - "Expression Pedals and Foot Switches".


    Next, navigate to the “Pedal Links” page and activate “WahPedal >Volume” and “WahPedal >Pitch”. Now, the Wah Pedal will also control volume, as well as pedal pitch effects.
    Please see the Kemper Manual for more details about Wah and Pitch.

    Please download the Kemper Manual and review the section on Expression Pedals and Foot Switches and Wah, and Pitch.

    Kemper Manuals and Quick Start guides

    That should get you going.

    Kemper Profiling Amplifier (unpowered) [2014], Remote [2016], Stage [2020], PowerRack, Remote & Kab[2021]
    Twitter | LinkedIn | My Blog | My Kemper Notes

    Edited 3 times, last by ST (January 21, 2021 at 9:38 PM).

  • Oh my God! Epic fail. User since 2013 and I didnt know there was a dedicated input for pedals in the back!

    I never used wahs or expresion pedals in my life, I'm totally noob on that. I watched a video in Youtube and it seems to connect to the front input.

    My apoligizes for my stupid question and thank you very much!!

  • Hi Jevo,

    I'm not familiar with your pedal, but it looks like you can

    • Connect your guitar directly to the Kemper Guitar input
      • Not the pedal
    • Connect the pedal (Aux output) with a Tip-Ring-Sleeve cable to the Kemper Switch/Pedal Jack
    • Let the Kemper settings control both Wah and Volume functions

    It's not a big deal either way except it will take one less cable (if it works).


  • Easy mistake to make, even for an experienced user.

    I keep finding things that I should know but I don;t :)

    Perhaps we should have a section for users with over 5 years experience called " Things I should know but am now too afraid to ask" :)

    To be fair to you, your avatar does say you are a "student" so.... :)