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    I recorded this song using a free rig called the "Marshall 1959 Plexi"... or at least I think it's called that. Type 1959 and it should come up. It's by RickyStorti.

    I also boosted it with a Friedman BE-OD. And used a Richie Kotzen tele with the Chopper T bridge pickup. Regardless of all that... it's a killer profile that seems to sound great on either rhythm or lead.

  • Is the BE-OD really necessary? Kemper drives don't work for you? Personally I haven't ever felt the need to use an external anything with my profiler and I've dialed up some absolutely killer gain tones gated and noise free.. Live, I would hate to use a pedal in front as that would mean running 40' of cable back and forth or using a GCX & pedal drawer which I used to use to keep cable runs short. There are lots of Friedman profiles out there too that aren't just a pedal simulator of a BE-od but a real BE-od. I guess if the end result makes you happy it's all good, I just can't imagine ever needing a pedal with a Kemper.

  • Is the BE-OD really necessary? Kemper drives don't work for you? Personally I haven't ever felt the need to use an external anything with my profiler and I've dialed up some absolutely killer gain tones gated and noise free.. Live, I would hate to use a pedal in front as that would mean running 40' of cable back and forth or using a GCX & pedal drawer which I used to use to keep cable runs short. There are lots of Friedman profiles out there too that aren't just a pedal simulator of a BE-od but a real BE-od. I guess if the end result makes you happy it's all good, I just can't imagine ever needing a pedal with a Kemper.

    While I mostly feel the same as you, remember that the best tool is the one you know how to use the best.

    The answer is 42

  • There it is. Your 80s Song. Didn´t see that you specially present it here :)

    As I said in my other post. Great Song, well done!

    Kemper Head - Kemper Remote - Palmer Box with Kemper Kone - TC Electronic BAM200 - Laney LFR 112