• Hi Andy,

    I got one question about the bundle (maybe you answered this before but I have not seen it). If a customer buys the bundle that contains all the amps profiled, once you profile new amps, will you add those to the bundle as well?

  • Hiya.

    In short answer no. - If I do updates to the rigs you get those sent to you free, like the recent additions, and new rigs etc in the bonus section.

    The new pack im doing will be the same as the first bundle, accept if you already purchased that you will be sent a discount coupon when its released, I want to reward the loyalty people have within me.

    Hope that answers the question.

  • Would you consider creating some sort of product that covers current and future amps profiled?

    Also could you give us an idea of the discounted price (or %) for each new bundle for the people owning previous bundles? I hesitate to get the bundle for the current price ($125 USD) unless I know how much I will need to invest to keep my library up to date.

  • well I have 5 bundles planned outright in this model.

    The first one was at a intro reduction of 40%
    The next one will not have that but loyal customers still will.
    The following pack, 60% off total
    ..then 80%
    with the final pack being free when I go out and say my goodbyes.

    OF course all this is in speculation, the right variation on this will happen when I have cost up the new project, (and paid the bill at the end)
    But thats the plan :)


    EDIT: also forgot to mention, Ive been collecting all emails from people that are the bundle-pack holders (yet to be renamed) - and they will receive lots of goodies along the way, free rigs every month, free coupons to give to friends.. that sort of stuff. :)

    I want to look-after my customers the best I can. - Im loyal at what I do, and you guys deserve nothing but the best back.

  • Could you give me an estimated total on how much I would have to pay at the end if I get your five planned bundles? Based on that I will be able to decide If it is more convenient for me to buy the whole thing or purchase the just the amps I am more interested in.

  • well I have 5 bundles planned outright in this model.

    The first one was at a intro reduction of 40%
    The next one will not have that but loyal customers still will.
    The following pack, 60% off total
    ..then 80%
    with the final pack being free when I go out and say my goodbyes.

    OF course all this is in speculation, the right variation on this will happen when I have cost up the new project, (and paid the bill at the end)
    But thats the plan

    I love it when a plan comes together. :thumbup:
    With these discounts, you can count me in for the whole enchilada. :thumbup:
    Thanks Andy.
    (I love your Tone King)

  • I just wanted to say that I went for the bundle (I never half-ass it!) and boy what a joy it is! To anyone on the fence I say that each rig sounds beautiful and even the ones that I wasn't thrilled with based on the audio examples are fantastic "in person." Well worth the price! I've never been a Bassman guy, but I think I'm in love. :thumbup:

  • Is there any estimated date for the next batch of amps?

    Im in the studio today actually.. Just capturing a Trainwreck..(Instanbul/Daisy) as I have to send it back to the owner..
    bloody amazing amp...how will i play anything else after this I dont know! :/

    But no ETA yet.. its happining is all I can say. :)

    This pack is all based on requests, so thats all im doing, well plus a few extra ones.

  • Im in the studio today actually.. Just capturing a Trainwreck..(Instanbul/Daisy) as I have to send it back to the owner..
    bloody amazing amp...how will i play anything else after this I dont know! :/

    But no ETA yet.. its happining is all I can say. :)

    This pack is all based on requests, so thats all im doing, well plus a few extra ones.

    it will be very interesting to see how the Kemper captures the dynamics of the Trainwreck. I'm sure many fully grown men™ including myself will want to check out your package when that one becomes available.

  • Im in the studio today actually.. Just capturing a Trainwreck..(Instanbul/Daisy) as I have to send it back to the owner..
    bloody amazing amp...how will i play anything else after this I dont know! :/

    Just asking: What cabs are you unsing for the Trainwreck? Frankly I've got no idea what would be the ideal cab for one of those and I'm just curious what you found out with those.

  • well Ive been trying the GH12 30, but think the G12M 25 works better.. Might do a mix of both and see what happens. Ken prefer the 25's problem with that is the gain sounds a bit shrill. but for clean wow!
    swapping over the speakers now.

    Makes a lot of sense. Personally I like good G12M25 better but that's from using them with Marshalls and not a Trainwreck. A mixture of both could be very interesting. I'd say go for it. Which year are the G12M25s from? I've played very old ones from the 60s and very new reissues from the 2000's and up and I found both pretty good. But I've heard that the first reissues from China were lackluster and people thought they'd be harsh and shrill. If the cab is from that period it might explain why you are hearing a different sound as Ken did.

  • Everything revolves on personal preference. I personally loved a Trainwreck head I owned years ago through old pre Rola Celestions. I would move those speakers out of the original Marshall cab I bought in 1967 to some Hiwatt cabs I bought in early 1973. The best I can describe what I liked about those speakers was their violin/viola sort of woody sound.

    I sold a good deal of my vintage stuff over the years. Once the fellow get backs from his travels, some profiling will be done using those speakers. They are smooth on the top end and mic fairly easily in my experience.