• The Dr Z Carman Ghia is really good for my ears, makes me want to buy one!

    On the clean+ tone, add a compressor, (on quite a higher setting than you normally would sort of setting)
    then Play smooth slow chords, followed by some lead bits... - Surprisingly close to a SRV tone! :)

  • I can't even believe this discussion.

    Why do some people feel that when other people go out and work hard spending their own time, money and energy that they are somehow entitled to the fruits of their labor? It takes some nerve to expect And44 or anyone else to pay with his time, money and energy so you can play using their work without some contribution. And44 pricing is more than fair especially his already giving away 180 profiles.

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but it takes some balls to be publicly mad about And44 not giving his profiles and publicly chastize him. Not cool at all.

    I was just wondering if you guys who qre pissing and moaning about this, can I borrow your car and return it with no gas for free?


    MY GEAR:
    Taylor T5 Koa, Taylor SBS1, Fender Select Koa Telecaster | PRS SE 50 w/ 2x12 Cab | Kemper Profiling Amp | 2x Tannoy 601a Monitors

  • I am out.

    To you who are saying can you borrow my car and use all my petrol, yes if i tell you thats what you can do and suddenly tell you to pay after I flip flop when you return my car.

    By the way I do not use any of his profiles. Free or not.

    To the guy on the other site suggesting I steal music and am a low life, I dont know what to say. Destroy my character and spread your lies. Goodbye Im lost to this community.


  • My intention is not to insult those who feel all profiles should be free, but rather ask you to consider the time, money and energy that some of the fine folk on this forum have contributed in making the profiles especially when they went the extra mile with obtaining studio time, renting the amps, etc...

    If you were insulted by my comments, my apology. Although, I might suggest that what I said was really not insulting, but rather guilt by those who felt wounded because they know it is only right to help cover the cost. Its not like he owned the amps and did this work in his spare bedroom.

    That's my say.


    MY GEAR:
    Taylor T5 Koa, Taylor SBS1, Fender Select Koa Telecaster | PRS SE 50 w/ 2x12 Cab | Kemper Profiling Amp | 2x Tannoy 601a Monitors

  • I can't even believe this discussion.

    Why do some people feel that when other people go out and work hard spending their own time, money and energy that they are somehow entitled to the fruits of their labor? It takes some nerve to expect And44 or anyone else to pay with his time, money and energy so you can play using their work without some contribution. And44 pricing is more than fair especially his already giving away 180 profiles.

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but it takes some balls to be publicly mad about And44 not giving his profiles and publicly chastize him. Not cool at all.

    I was just wondering if you guys who qre pissing and moaning about this, can I borrow your car and return it with no gas for free?

    I think it is because it is a "soft thing" compared to a "hard thing".

    As a software developer I get this all the time, "all software should be free, as some is free". The idea being that if some people want to write free software then all the other software is over priced. The same thing has happened to music over the last 15 years.

    A hard thing such as a burger or a beer for instance then people expect to pay and they have no problem with it.

  • To the guy on the other site suggesting I steal music and am a low life, I dont know what to say. Destroy my character and spread your lies. Goodbye Im lost to this community.

    Richie, I'm not sure what other site you are referring to, but this one has generally been great, with many generous members who willingly share their knowledge and their profiles. I urge you to stay here and not be put off by a single post. We are all individuals with differing opinions, but we also should be considerate and respectful. If occasionally that isn't the case, well, let's just get by it and move on. There is way too much positive here to let the small negatives overwhelm us.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • To the guy on the other site suggesting I steal music and am a low life, I dont know what to say. Destroy my character and spread your lies. Goodbye Im lost to this community.


    ?(?(?( Have we missed something? What other site? Can you clarify? Feel free to PM me if you prefer

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Richie, I'm not sure what other site you are referring to, but this one has generally been great, with many generous members who willingly share their knowledge and their profiles. I urge you to stay here and not be put off by a single post. We are all individuals with differing opinions, but we also should be considerate and respectful. If occasionally that isn't the case, well, let's just get by it and move on. There is way too much positive here to let the small negatives overwhelm us.

    +1 :thumbup:

  • I don't remember seeing anything saying that users had to only offer free profiles when I bought my Kemper. Free profiles are a perk, but I am not entitled to everything or for that matter anything (besides firmware updates) being free from here on out. I bought Andy's profiles on my own free will. I have never read anything saying that if you provide profiles, you are expected to provide them for no charge. If guys like Andy can take the unit to another level, i for one am in complete support. If you don't want to pay for profiles, don't pay for profiles. If you can't have desireable profiles because an independent user wants to charge for their work and you don't agree with that philosophy, then you will have an internal problem. That is not the fault of Andy or anyone else who wants to follow this path of distribution.

    Andy OWES the Kemper user base nothing. The Kemper user base OWES Andy nothing. Nobody has to do anything. I would like more options like what Andy has made. If they are free, great - if not I can make a decision at the time. There are plenty of free amps to choose from.

  • The community needs to be open and free so that more users will part with a large sum of money.

    The community _is_ wide open! There are over 1400 profiles shared for free online. So much that any ordinary person has trouble keeping track and sorting through all of them.

    A VIBRANT OPEN community!


    I dont want to create arguments


    I just think if Christoph was to charge for every update/ rig pack/ fx people would not buy into the KPA.


    Imagine if we had to pay also for the great cabs that Till brought us?!?! :pinch:

    To me, these read like you're creating imaginary arguments that don't exist to make a point about a situation that doesn't exist.

  • I don't remember seeing anything saying that users had to only offer free profiles when I bought my Kemper. Free profiles are a perk, but I am not entitled to everything or for that matter anything (besides firmware updates) being free from here on out. I bought Andy's profiles on my own free will. I have never read anything saying that if you provide profiles, you are expected to provide them for no charge. If guys like Andy can take the unit to another level, i for one am in complete support. If you don't want to pay for profiles, don't pay for profiles. If you can't have desireable profiles because an independent user wants to charge for their work and you don't agree with that philosophy, then you will have an internal problem. That is not the fault of Andy or anyone else who wants to follow this path of distribution.

    Andy OWES the Kemper user base nothing. The Kemper user base OWES Andy nothing. Nobody has to do anything. I would like more options like what Andy has made. If they are free, great - if not I can make a decision at the time. There are plenty of free amps to choose from.

    Nicely put.

  • yesterday i bought a handful of profiles twice. by the evening i traded them in for the full bundle. Im not really a high gain guy, ive never had a mesa/high sound i could use without mushing out. the triple rec seems pretty darn amazing here.

  • i'm sorry... but my cynical nature finds it really hard to believe that someone went in to do all these profiles and suddenly realised it cost so much they'd have to charge to get "some" of their money back

    i have no issue with someone making a bunch of profiles and then offering them for sale... people have the choice to buy them or not
    but what i quoted above... just seems a little far-fetched to me

  • are you lot guitarists, or just out to find a problem to moan about?

    many of us have said buy, don't buy, its your choice

    personally they are the best collection available so far, and i've been here for months, and as a guitarist that is personally the thing that matters most, a peerless collection of amazing amps and tones, for less than the price of an average pedal

    if you don't want to buy there are over 1400 free profiles, get digging, theres gold in there

    I know for a fact how much work this became for Andy, and do not understand what the minorities problem is, its his choice, and yours, if you want to do this

    and on that basis, stop complaining, and do what suits you, its a free world, but don't knock others that choose to do it differently