Kabinet and a separate cab with Kone speaker in it. Using them together...

  • Hey guys, I searched but can't find this scenario on the forums, but I'm sure I just searched the wrong terms. I already have a Kone in a little Egnater cab that's been serving me well, but I am awaiting arrival of a Kabinet now so I can leave one at practice place and keep one at home. When I feel like being a little louder though, I'd like to use them both. I see it says in the documentation for the Kab that it's wired in series, and I'm sure the Egnater is wired in parallel as most cabs are by default. So, just verifying that I MUST use the Kab first from the poweramp in the Kemper to keep my two Kones in series.

    Anyone else have a setup like this? Thanks!



  • I see it says in the documentation for the Kab that it's wired in series, and I'm sure the Egnater is wired in parallel as most cabs are by default. So, just verifying that I MUST use the Kab first from the poweramp in the Kemper to keep my two Kones in series.

    in order for series/parallel To make any difference there need to be more than one speaker involved. Therefore, single speaker cabinets aren’t wired in series or parallel. However, the through socket for chaining cabinet could be wired either way. In your scenario if the Egnator is wired in parallel, placing it first in the chain would give you 2ohms. Placing the Kabinet first would use its through output but not the Egnator’s so you would get 8 ohms.

    However, you could simply change the through connection in the Egnator cab to series wiring and never need to worry about it.