New FRFR Cab

  • I have currently ordered a powered guitar cabinet to utilize along with my non-powered toaster. More specifically, my purchase is the Headrush FRFR-112 cabinet.
    I will mainly be utilizing this for practice at home as I have grown tired of the undesirable sounds of headphones.
    I’m sure this info may already exist on a forum, but I could not find anything related to this specific cabinet. On the back of the cab, there are two XLR/TRS combo inputs. I’ve read the main manual, and it seems like Main Output section on the back of the Kemper is mainly for using a mixing board while the Monitor Output would be more geared running into the back of a cab.
    I just want to make sure that utilizing the Monitor Output with 1/4” cable to the cab is the best method. I didn’t know if using the XLR outputs from the Main Output section would provide better audio quality.
    Thanks in advance for the assistance/advice!

  • The main factor that will influence your decision is whether you need a second output for live FOH or for recording.

    If you are only playing through your FRFR cab and don't need a FOH out or recording out then you can use either Main Out or Monitor Out. However, if you are gping to be recording or playing live you would tend to leave the Main Out free for this and use Monitor Out for your own cabinet.

  • I have heard mixed results regarding these Headrush cabinets, but most of the complaints have been about the 108 as you listed. However, most of the reviews I’ve read on the 112 have indicated an improvement over the 108. I’m hoping this will work for the short future until I can invest in a better cab.

    sorry for the separate reply from the quote. Unfortunately, I was in my phone and just hit the wrong button.

    Edited once, last by SunShn (November 8, 2020 at 12:52 AM).

  • The main factor that will influence your decision is whether you need a second output for live FOH or for recording.

    If you are only playing through your FRFR cab and don't need a FOH out or recording out then you can use either Main Out or Monitor Out. However, if you are gping to be recording or playing live you would tend to leave the Main Out free for this and use Monitor Out for your own cabinet.

    For now I will not be recording out. That may come in the future, but not any time soon. Thanks for the info, just wanted to make sure I had everything straight so I could avoid headaches.

  • Ok, so I have yet another newbie question since this is my first time using Kemper with an external cab. Rather than start a new thread, I figured I would just add to this exiting one.

    I have a 1/4” cable running from the Monitor Output of my unpowered Kemper into the Headrush FRFR112 power cabinet. Without touching the settings, it sounds as though the cab has a blanket over it, kind of muted. When I turn the cabinet option off (via the cab button on front panel), the sound achieved is brittle for lack of a better term.

    I realize that I will have to tweak profiles in order to get the sound desired. But as a general rule of thumb, when running into a powered FRFR, what settings would be the standard to utilize (cab on/off, monitor output on/off, etc.)?


  • I realize that I will have to tweak profiles in order to get the sound desired. But as a general rule of thumb, when running into a powered FRFR, what settings would be the standard to utilize (cab on/off, monitor output on/off, etc.)?

    The Cab needs to be on and the box for Monitor Cab Off should NOT be ticked.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Using FRFR the Cap must be on. Remember that the profile with Amp and Cap is the microfoned output of the profiled amp. Switching Cap of will need a real Guitar Cap to compensate the lack of Cap in KPA-output.

    Good deal. I guess I will just have to tweak the EQ as well as rig volume and the volume on the back of the FRFR. Thanks for your help!

  • The Cab needs to be on and the box for Monitor Cab Off should NOT be ticked.

    Good deal. I saw the monitor output option last night but cannot remember if I changed the option. I will ensure it is not ticked, and adjust other settings as needed. I guess I will also look into some paid profiles as well. Thanks for the info/assistance!

  • Good deal. I saw the monitor output option last night but cannot remember if I changed the option. I will ensure it is not ticked, and adjust other settings as needed. I guess I will also look into some paid profiles as well. Thanks for the info/assistance!

    I've also found that using the Treble Booster in the Stomps can bring some dull rigs to life.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Sorry to high jack your thread but I have a beginner question along the same lines. I'm using the Kemper with a Headrush 112 strickly for home use and streaming online. I too get that muffled bass(y) sound coming from the 112. I copied all the settings every suggested here. My questions is...

    Where should I have the master volume dial set to on the Kemper? Does it need to be cranked coming out of the Kemper and then the volumes adjusted on the 112 to get close to a true sound from the profiles?