wah turns on at low volume

  • Hi, I'm new using the Kemper Stage. I have been using the expression pedal for volume and it works great.

    I decided to use the same expression pedal to control the wah. In the performance i have the wah block on.

    on the pedal setup i have WahPedal>Vol entered, Pedal Type 1 and Function set to Wah Pedal.

    To get the wah to be at the proper volume I have to select a rig without the wah, put the expression pedal down(volume all the way up) and then switch to the rig with the wah on.

    If i enter the wah rig with the expression pedal in the heal position the wah runs at a real low volume.

    In the rig manager I have the Pedal mode to "Bypass @ Stop".

    Thanks in advance for the help :)

    Edited once, last by Rippin (November 5, 2020 at 8:35 PM).

  • This is intended behavior. While the pedal switches into its wah controller functionality, the pedal volume normally stays at its recent level. Activating a wah effect or loading another Rig with an active wah effect does not trigger an automatic pedal volume jump to maximum. There is one exception: if your last pedal volume is below 25%, the system automatically raises pedal volume to 25%, when a wah effect gets activated, assuming that the user is not intending to play wah at zero volume.

    Sharing wah and volume control on one expression pedal is technically possible, but requires some conscious management. I personally prefer to have a dedciated volume pedal and use another pedal for morph, wah, and pitch.