Kemper clicking noise when reverb and delay are on

  • I believe it was one of your support guys in January or February, who told us right here on this forum, that, in order for a bug to get fixed, we STILL need to open a support ticket every time

    It was Manfred or Burkhard, I'm searching the post, point being that we needed to log a ticket with support in order for an issue to be taken in consideration. It was something like "you cannot expect that we read all the post...".

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • It was Manfred or Burkhard, I'm searching the post, point being that we needed to log a ticket with support in order for an issue to be taken in consideration. It was something like "you cannot expect that we read all the post...".

    This was not my intention.
    Support emails are fine, but often enough people are called to write to the support collectively in a way: "Please everybody having that problem send an email to the support!"
    Then we receive 7 to 20 redundant mails - and the support is blocked.

  • Christoph are you saying do not contact support if you have a problem with your Kemper? I sent a message to support yesterday i thought thats what support was for. Do you know what the most likely reason is for this clicking issue and how to resolve it? Should i return my kemper under warranty and get another one? Yes it does happen via analog and spdif out here but only when there are many fx in bypassed state. If i remove the bypassed fx i have no clicks

    Does anybody else have clicking in that situation over the analog outs?

  • Hi Chris,

    do you also get these types of clicks when switching between rigs?


    Sometimes that happens yes but mostly for me no it doesn't. I made another thread about similar issues a few months back but back then it was only happening via spdif but now its analog out too and i can make it happen on any profile simply by adding lots of fx then bypassing them. I have also noticed it doesn't happen straight away for me for the first 30 minutes or so my kemper behaves normal but longer sessions 1 hour plus the clicking is there on many profiles but again if i remove fx it goes away

    I will see if support gets back to me with an answer so far ive had no answer. I'm concerned if Christoph tells support not to answer such matters like he has stated he may do here and yet offers no help on the forum either how am i supposed to get it fixed?

    I'm quite concerned with both the attitude and the lack of support over this matter. (A) You cant contact support over such matters because support may be told to ignore you. (B) No help offered by the kemper team on the forum on how to fix it.. Even if some acknowledgement was given like Guys we know there's a problem and were working on it, that would be OK but that's not happened yet.

    At this point the whole situation so far leaves a bitter taste in my mouth as i'm left wondering is it software related or is it my kemper thats bad. Its probably best if i just return my kemper and ask for a new one as it seems most kemper users do not have this problem

  • Hi Chris,

    thanks for taking the time to clarify this.

    In my case, the clicking seems not to be getting worse over time. I will have to try and see if it gets better with less FX in the rig (albeit I rarely have all 8 running).

    I too am a bit confused about what Christoph wrote. My only guess is that due to a coincidence of a couple of people contacting Support with the same problem this week and discussion arising about this problem on the forum as well.

    Support is supposed to record any malfunction feedback from the users and help them with any problems. A users forum is what it is, i.e. here we discuss the good and bad sides of the product. Support might take some hints from the forum, but every user should be able to contact support no matter what.

    If a lot of users contact support with the same problem, the solution of this problem should be prioritised, since it most likely is a major problem.

    When I reported my crackle problem in march, Support acknowledge the problem. From what they wrote I take that the crackle sounds do have something to do with the way sound of the rigs is computed. Thus it should not be a hardware problem.

    I surely hope they will fix this. My guess is that this crackle should be heard on every Kemper and might not be experienced by other users who use a monitor or headphones with reduced high-freq capability. It seems that when I use a cheaper headphone than my Beyerdynamic DT990Pro or 880 the crackling is not as pronounced, but of course still there.

    Crackling during rig switching would be a major problem for live use for me. Btw when switching between the same rig with sligthly different settings the crackling seems not to be a problem.


  • [
    I will see if support gets back to me with an answer so far ive had no answer. I'm concerned if Christoph tells support not to answer such matters like he has stated he may do here and yet offers no help on the forum either how am i supposed to get it fixed?

    I'm quite concerned with both the attitude and the lack of support over this matter. (A) You cant contact support over such matters because support may be told to ignore you. (B) No help offered by the kemper team on the forum on how to fix it.. Even if some acknowledgement was given like Guys we know there's a problem and were working on it, that would be OK but that's not happened yet.

    At this point the whole situation so far leaves a bitter taste in my mouth as i'm left wondering is it software related or is it my kemper thats bad. Its probably best if i just return my kemper and ask for a new one as it seems most kemper users do not have this problem

    Chris, to everybodies confusion you have running two redundant threads about the same issue.
    The very new fact is, that you get that clicking thru analog outs as well.
    Please take notice that I have posted on your other tread by yesterday that I will take care of these problems.

  • I did the reset below and I still have crackling.

    • Switch the main knob to off
    • Hold the left/top soft-key above the LCD
    • while still holding this key - switch KPA to tuner
    • Maintenance Module will be started
    • In the 'Maintenance' menu goto 'Memory'
    • Use Memory FormatFlash and InitFlash
    • Check if the KPA works (booting, tuner)
    • Check all the KPA settings

    Do the clicks happen with headphone in the Profiler?
    Also try to plug your headphone into the main out and check (one ear only)

  • Do the clicks happen with headphone in the Profiler?
    Also try to plug your headphone into the main out and check (one ear only)


    I do not have clicking on the headphone out, and never had. I will check the Main out today when I get home. As a note, both the SPDIF and main outs (analog) were both clicking yesterday and then after about 10 minutes it stopped while I was recording. As of 6 PM last night, there was no clicking. I will recheck tonight after work.

