Questions/concerns about using Kemper with FX8 in 4CM (or Axe/Helix etc.)...

  • I'm considering using the Kemper with my Fractal FX8 in 4CM to make use of some of the FX8's stereo delays. I've not used the Kemper's loop before - I've only ever put the FX8 in front. I have a couple of concerns that maybe you will have some input on -

    1) Will I have issues with latency? Running from FX8 (Pre) - Kemper - FX8 (post) - Kemper seems like a lot of D/A & A/D conversion, and then there's some internal latency on top of that which may or may not be noticeable. Obviously I can set this up and try it for myself when I get the chance (and probably will) but just wondering if anyone else encountered issues using an effects unit like the FX8 pre and post with the Kemper?

    2) Has anyone ever found that running your signal back and forth between the Kemper and various digital-only effects (nothing analog) has had a negative impact on the tone (ignoring latency)? This is for a recording, not performing live. If sending the signal back and forth would have a negative impact I could look at placing the FX8 entirely pre-Kemper, or entirely post-Kemper (if I really need the stereo delays etc.). Or would anyone advocate trying to keep everything in the Kemper and avoid going out to the FX8 at all? I should say that I've not really noticed any negative impact when running the FX8 before the Kemper...

    Lastly, in case it's relevant, these recordings are being sent on to a studio for mixing but will probably have some additional processing (most likely analog, outboard gear) before being mixed.

  • 1) Before Pitch effects were added to the Profiler, I used it in the Preamp Loop of a TC Electronic G-System (TCG pre-effects-Kemper-TCG post-effects). I didn't have any problems with latency.

    However, since these recordings are being sent on to a studio for mixing, it would likely be a better idea to send notes about how you would like delay to be added to the guitar tracks. Or, at the least, send a stereo delay track that contains no dry guitar, and a third track of the guitar with no delay. If you send one stereo track, placing the guitar anywhere in the mix other than dead center will also pan the delays. And, the volume of the delays in a stereo track can only be guessed, unless they are the same volume as the guitar (like U2). It is almost always better for them to be added at mixdown.

  • I'm considering using the Kemper with my Fractal FX8 in 4CM to make use of some of the FX8's stereo delays. I've not used the Kemper's loop before - I've only ever put the FX8 in front. I have a couple of concerns that maybe you will have some input on -

    1) Will I have issues with latency? Running from FX8 (Pre) - Kemper - FX8 (post) - Kemper seems like a lot of D/A & A/D conversion, and then there's some internal latency on top of that which may or may not be noticeable. Obviously I can set this up and try it for myself when I get the chance (and probably will) but just wondering if anyone else encountered issues using an effects unit like the FX8 pre and post with the Kemper?

    2) Has anyone ever found that running your signal back and forth between the Kemper and various digital-only effects (nothing analog) has had a negative impact on the tone (ignoring latency)? This is for a recording, not performing live. If sending the signal back and forth would have a negative impact I could look at placing the FX8 entirely pre-Kemper, or entirely post-Kemper (if I really need the stereo delays etc.). Or would anyone advocate trying to keep everything in the Kemper and avoid going out to the FX8 at all? I should say that I've not really noticed any negative impact when running the FX8 before the Kemper...

    Lastly, in case it's relevant, these recordings are being sent on to a studio for mixing but will probably have some additional processing (most likely analog, outboard gear) before being mixed.

    If you are only using it for stereo delays/reverbs why would you want to hook it up in 4CM? More conversions. Can you not just send your main outs to the FX8 (since the effects are all post stack).