Does it matter what interface I use?

  • I'm looking to record a couple of songs over the next few weeks. I have a cheap Behringer UMC404HD interface at home which I'm very happy with it for my needs. My other band mate is using an Apollo Twin, mainly for vocals etc. My view (from the little I've gathered online) is there shouldn't really be much of a difference between them when it comes to recording with the Kemper. Would you agree?

    I'm not looking for any colouration from the interface - just a clean, accurate reproduction of what the Kemper feeds it. In that case should they essentially perform the same?

  • I think that you will find that the Behringer will get you by.

    But the difference doesn't appear to be one that can be compared easily. The actual specifications of the Behringer are not easily found. This would be the sensitivity, THD, and effective frequency response range, AD/DA converters. This is data that is readily available for the UAD Apollo Twin.

    In the scheme of things, if you're just producing demos and not product for mastering & distribution you should be just fine with what you have.

    TexasSixSlinger (aka Del H.)

    Kemper Stage, Mac OS X 10.14, MBP2019


    ~ Life without music is no life at all

  • Sound wise the differences once recorded would be negligible so it's probably ok to stick with what you have. However, if you keep using it you will eventually realize some of the quirks often found on cheap interfaces: slightly lower sound quality on headphone (or speaker) playback, weak or low quality preamps, limited functionality, occasional disconnection or error messages due to bad drivers, latency, etc. If you eventually get into production/recording deep enough and get tired of these shortcomings, you can start thinking about upgrading.

  • Yup, well-said, Jed.

    Eric, the differences in sound quality between interfaces in most real-world (home) listening situations these days is subtle and often not even heard.

    As you spend more you quickly encounter a situation of diminishing returns, unlike 20 years ago.

  • Let me put it this way.

    Over the course of approx. 10 years with the Kemper, I've had it along with these sound cards:

    1.)M-Audio 2496 PCI

    2.)Focusrite Scarlett Gen1

    3.)Scarlett Gen2

    4.)Axe I/O

    5.)Universal Audio Apollo Solo USB

    I've never really heard a difference enough to warrant the price difference. The Kemper sounds exactly the same either going in Digital or Analogue and the (real or supposedly) better converters of each sound card made no difference to me - the only difference was in my wallet.

    So don't get crazy about the recording interface / soundcard. Just get any decent one you can afford and one with good solid system drivers. The Kemper will sound great through any of these.

    Now, for monitors, that's another story...

  • Thanks all for the feedback. Based on your comments it seems like the Behringer will be fine then. I was really hoping that would be the case as using the Behringer is much more convenient for me. I can record from home when I can find a few minutes here and there. To record with the Apollo would mean recording elsewhere and probably needing to take a day to make the most of it.

    In saying that, these are recordings for release, they're not demos. However the music is more vocal and keys-centred with the guitar playing a fairly subtle role. The recordings will be sent on to a studio where they will most likely go through some outboard gear before being mixed. In the context of all that, and in light of your comments, I don't think recording with the Apollo would make much/any audible difference.