Output Global EQ - Treble Section / Frequency Selection - ( Treble doesn't give us shine / bright tone ) / Please Read

  • Hi all..
    I'm new user. I spent 15 years with processors. What was missing for most of them was that the crystallized frequency could not be adjusted in high pitched sounds.
    Kemper Global EQ high section is not give to me what i want..

    I turn the treble up because I want to get a bright tone in the treble frequencies without affecting the mid frequencies, but I get a sound that scratches ( harsh treble ) close to the mid frequency instead of the crystal tone.

    For this, it should be either the treble 2 tab or the frequency selection.

  • Alternatively they should add an additional stomp in the output section where we could add one of the different EQs (e.g. Studio EQ) instead of the four basic and fixed „amp-knobs“. I also do not like their effect compared to the frequency-spectrum I would like to optimize my live sound with.

  • This is normal Amp-EQ behaviour; Bass/Mid/Treble/Presence are all influencing each other. Did you try out the presence knob as well for getting this chrystal tone? Another solution could be to dial in a Studio EQ post stack.

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • This is normal Amp-EQ behaviour; Bass/Mid/Treble/Presence are all influencing each other. Did you try out the presence knob as well for getting this chrystal tone? Another solution could be to dial in a Studio EQ post stack.

    I try presence know but presence was take from me headroom of guitar riff. More presence is mean less headroom, and i dont like compress sound by presence.

    • increase Definition :
    • There are many ways to brighten the tone, yes, but I don't think amp settings are the right way to do that. It is necessary to adjust this over and over again for each tone. Definition changing not just treble, it is changing so many thing of tone

    • use the Presence control (like Kempermaniac wrote)
      Presence is mean less headroom or compress sound. If you are playing lead guitar headroom is everything..

    • mix in direct signal
      I'm in direct to in Sound Card. Focusrite 4i4 Gen3. I try line input and normal preamp input also..
    • try a Treble Booster
      Maaaaan it is stomp. Not made for main output tone control.
    • use new strings
      I dont mean treble problem for input guitar tone. Global output need treble but more high side not near mid tone. Guitar input and guitar tone work like a charm

      if it's a clean sound, try disabling the CABINET completely
      Cabinet is everything for live using or direct live PA mixer or stage or record or something like that...
  • I must tweak so many settings in profiles before use, because so far away between so much profiles what i hear before use / what i get loading profiles. Simple main global eq treble section frequency select feature can be save me without a million settings