KDS aka Kemper Dependency Syndrome

  • After living in Australia for almost 4 years, we made the decision to move back to the UK. As I was organizing my stuff, I was sure that I would be able to bring my trusty Kemper in my suitcase so I don't have to wait for it to come with the rest of our stuff via a shipping company in a few months. Alas, this was not to be. Although the weight was calculated to fit in the suitcase, the size wasn't. As we were running out of kg allowance for the rest of the luggage, I made the dreaded decision to not take my Kemper with me and to ship it with the rest of our stuff. My Amplifire 3 would have to do until it arrives, so I packed that.

    After a hell of a trip including driving 9 hours from Adelaide to Melbourne, with a 3 month old baby in the back seat, so we could catch the flight back home, juggling our stuff on the airport floor so we can get rid of a couple of kg that we were overweight and going through security in the middle of a pandemic, we made it back to the UK.

    In the hour that I have left after coming back from work and putting a baby to bed, I plug my guitar into the Amplifire so I can play a bit of guitar and de-compress from the stress of the day. It's not the same. I really miss plugging into my Kemper and hit record on my DAW to record riffs or, simply, fiddle around with the hundreds of presets that are in my libraby, or explore Rig Exchange. All I can think of as I hit the notes on my guitar is my beloved Kemper sitting inside a container, slowly making its way home through troubled seas.

    There. I confess. I am a Kemper addict.

  • I went from an Amplifire 3 to a Kemper. The AF3 is a good unit. I suspect that if you tweak the 4 million parameters the right way - it'll sound as good as a KPA. For that one sound.

    At least you've got something to look forward to besides all of your 'stuff' showing up.

  • Ruefus definitely not bad mouthing the AF3. It’s a very good modeler and I have dialed some really good tones with it. Never regretted that I bought it. But when you enter the Kemper realm it’s difficult to go back to something else :)

    Not criticizing it in the slightest. Recently sold mine after getting it as part of, or near the first-run after release. It's a good unit for certain, but it's *work* to get great sounds.

    One interaction with a Kemper and everything changed for me.

  • What a nightmare journey, is it you that's brought the Aussie weather to Blighty? Nice one!

    I've said it many times on this forum but I've genuinely had no interest in any other Amps since getting the KPA 6 years ago. I know the Helix, Fractal etc are all good devices but I have my one stop shop that is easy to use as well....but then it gets better....they only go and release the Kabinet ( I consider myself fortunate to have a powered Rack so plug and play baby) and then the acoustic Sim.

    My only frustration is wanting to get out and gig..

    ...and Welcome home!

  • I plug my guitar into the Amplifire so I can play a bit of guitar and de-compress from the stress of the day. It's not the same.

    Just try to think of it as a palate cleanser, like taking a few sips of water between one fine wine and the next. In the time you're waiting, the Amplifire will become your "normal" again. So, when the Kemper arrives, it'll be like getting a brand new toy to play with all over again. Second honeymoon! :)

    I've genuinely had no interest in any other Amps since getting the KPA 6 years ago.

    I find myself in the same place. Sold every amp I owned after I knew the Kemper was going to be a good fit, and there's just nothing that triggers my "oooh, shiny!" reflex anymore. There are some great sounding modelers out there, but between the Kemper's high quality sound and ease of use, I just don't feel like I need anything else.

    I'm also trying to get some keyboard chops and bought a top of the line workstation model to have something I wouldn't outgrow anytime soon. Naturally, I still watch other keyboard videos because the flashing lights are pretty, but I haven't heard anything that I couldn't get out of what I already have, so again no desire to buy something new.

    And all this contentment is a pretty weird sensation for someone who suffers from GAS every bit as much as the rest of you.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • What a nightmare journey, is it you that's brought the Aussie weather to Blighty? Nice one!

    I've said it many times on this forum but I've genuinely had no interest in any other Amps since getting the KPA 6 years ago. I know the Helix, Fractal etc are all good devices but I have my one stop shop that is easy to use as well....but then it gets better....they only go and release the Kabinet ( I consider myself fortunate to have a powered Rack so plug and play baby) and then the acoustic Sim.

    My only frustration is wanting to get out and gig..

    ...and Welcome home!

    Nah mate, this is Spring compared to the 45C dry heat I was getting in Adelaide in the summer :D

    I totally agree. Not being able to gig or even jam sucks big time. Then again, apart from a 2 month stint with an Aussie deathcore band where we played 3 gigs, I haven't been onstage for many years and I miss it. Hopefully, when all this COVID-19 situation is over I will look into either putting a band together or joining one so I can jam and gig.

  • Nah mate, this is Spring compared to the 45C dry heat I was getting in Adelaide in the summer :D

    I totally agree. Not being able to gig or even jam sucks big time. Then again, apart from a 2 month stint with an Aussie deathcore band where we played 3 gigs, I haven't been onstage for many years and I miss it. Hopefully, when all this COVID-19 situation is over I will look into either putting a band together or joining one so I can jam and gig.

    ...or you can jump on stage with us for a couple of songs if you get really desperate :)