RIG menu What is the function of "Range" ?

  • In Rig manager / Rig menu, there is a knob labled Range. Default set to -5. Seems to increase gain, or volume if you turn the value up, max is +5. Can someone explain this? I looked at the latest manual 7.5, cant find anything labled "Range" nor any description what this does or when to use it.

  • It's the volume pedal range.

    Thanks for the reply:) I have no volume pedal connected, should I leave the settning at -5 or what? -Just discovered you can select input, pre stack, post stack and output. For some reason mine was set to input -5, perhaps default? Is this ment to let you adjust the input signal when plying single- coil or humbucker?

  • I presume that's the default. If you don't have a pedal set up for volume then it won't matter anyway.

    If you choose Input and turn from -5 to +5 the gain (or volume) definitely increases. I dont know if its a good thing? I'm in my small apartment, cant test at gig volume. But I imagine a higher setting can make it easier to get desirable feedback ? Have you tried to do as suggest, what is you opinion?

  • You'll find the functionality description from the Main manual by searching for "Volume Pedal Range".

    Basically without pedal connected, the negative values don't have impact, positive values produce gain or volume boost (depending on the location).

  • In Rig manager / Rig menu, there is a knob labled Range. Default set to -5. Seems to increase gain, or volume if you turn the value up, max is +5. Can someone explain this? I looked at the latest manual 7.5, cant find anything labled "Range" nor any description what this does or when to use it.

    Main Manual Page 138  Volume Pedal Range

    This is a bipolar parameter. In the middle position, the Volume Pedal has no effect. When you set the Range more to the left, you determine the minimum volume at heel-position, while the maximum volume at toe-position stays the same. At the minimum position, the pedal performs the swell from zero level, just as you would expect from an analog volume pedal. As you turn “Volume Pedal Range” towards the right half, the Volume Pedal turns from an

    attenuation pedal into a booster pedal. Now, the heel stays at standard volume, and the toe-swell will give you a volume or gain boost. The maximum boost, at the top position of “Volume Pedal Range”, is +24 dB.

    The settings for the Volume Pedal are stored per Rig. However, if you have a favorite setting that you want to use in general, press “Lock Volume Pedal” to protect your settings from Rig changes.

  • And I'll emphasize: When you decide on the setting you like, lock it. You may add new profiles that are not set your preferred way and they will be louder, or softer, based on this setting. Once upon a time, I noticed that my Rig button was locked and I unlocked it. Later I noted that many of my rigs and performances were louder or softer than they had been. Not realizing this was related to the volume pedal range setting, I re-leveled everything. Then I noticed my volume pedal was wacky: some rigs were off at the heel setting and would only go to half volume at the toe, and others were at half-volume at the heel and would go to full volume at the toe. Once I discovered that this was all related to this volume pedal range setting, I set it, and locked it, and it has worked perfectly ever since. But I did have to go back and re-level the rigs I had re-leveled when I unlocked.

    Hence the PSA above.

    Be Thankful.