RM Editor Questions

  • Hi everyone,

    I was wondering if there's a way in RM Editor to type in the values for parameters. I could have sworn I've done it that way in the editor a few weeks ago or something when seeing a post about a few cool new shortcuts. But I realized when trying it tonight(shortly after updating to the latest public beta), I can't do it like that lol. Is there a way to do it that way(typing in values for parameters)? And if not, has it always been that way?

    Also, I noticed in the output section in the editor that the values for the "Low Cut" parameters are the same as the "High Cut", instead of just going up to around 800/900 Hz. So basically, the dial/knob goes from 0 to 1khz before it even gets 1/8 of the way around. Idk if that's normal or not but, it seemed weird so I figured I'd ask about it lol.

    I don't like to complain and I hope it doesn't come off like that. I just noticed these 2 things right after I did the latest update and I started wondering if it was a few bugs from the latest update or something. Or maybe, it's nothing and you could never type in values and the "Low Cut" dial just has the same range as the "High Cut" and I'm trippin lol.

    Anyways, let me know you guys! ^^

  • Thanks for the replies guys. I wasn't sure if we were ever able to type in values but, I thought I might have been mixing up having that feature with another program in my workflow. Thanks for clearing that up for me Wheresthedug and @G String ! ?

    As for the Low Cut parameter values in the output section in the Editor, are those values supposed to be the same as the High Cut? In the Kemper Output menu, the Low Cut dial goes up to somewhere between 800 and 900 Hz I believe. But in the Editor, the Low Cut dial has the same range as the High Cut so, you hit 1kHz in between the first 2 dots on the dial (if that makes any sense lol)

    So it's really hard to dial in the Low Cut from the Editor.

    Not sure if i that''s a bug or not but, figured I'd mention it.