Rename a Rig?

  • Is it possible to rename a Rig in Rig Manager? I am one of those that tries to dig in without 40 hours of manual reading.

    I would like to rename a Rig with the REAL amp model. I don't want to try to remember all the pseudonyms that are being used.


  • Yes, however I generally leave the Rig Name untouched but change the tags to the correct information instead. This way you can rename amps in bulk batches instead of one by one.

    In the search box on the right side enter a pseudonym (Fan or Voice etc) you want to change . This will bring up only the amps you want to change in the browse pane. Now go to the Amp Manufacturer box and type the correct name (Fender or Vox etc). All selected amps will be updated automatically with no need to manually save the changes.

    You can repeat this for every field you want to update except rig name as this would end up with all rigs having the same name which would be pointless.