Using Behringer MIDI Pedal Board FCB1010 with UNO1.03 eprom (smartly pimped by iPAD) and KPA

  • Very cool....thanks...the wah happened to be on stomp A....I locked it.

    Does that mean if I download a patch where someone carefully setup an effect on stomp A...that i'll be missing that effect since I have a wah there? If there a better way to do this?

    I plan on using pureboost on stomp X and locking it for solos/volume boosts.

  • Does that mean if I download a patch where someone carefully setup an effect on stomp A...that i'll be missing that effect since I have a wah there? If there a better way to do this?

    Well, you can unlock it any moment and check the downloaded patch and move the stomps (press and hold stomp to access the menu) accordingly

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Hello everyone,
    I just got my KPA a few days ago,
    i have no experience with MIDI foot controllers and im a bit confused.
    I was going to buy the FCB1010, but all this UNO chip talk kinda got confused..
    can someone please explain to me what is it exactly,
    will the FCB1010 work with the kemper without it? or is it essential for it to work properly?
    And if it is essential , where do i buy it from? do i install it myself?

    thanks a lot and sorry for my ignorance

  • Without the UnO Chip I think you can only change preset and use the two expression pedal... you'll miss the tap tempo and the fx on/off.
    You can buy it here and it is very easy to install.

  • I figured out how to set up my old X-15 to control all accessable parameters of the KPA (and of course to change programs).
    Pedals are now Wah and Volume (wish I could control Delay Mix with it ... ;) ) and I've set the buttons
    in "Mode" choice to switch stomps and effects, call the tuner and one button for tapping ...
    If someone want to do the same: Look into the X-15 manual (downloadable on the ART website)
    page 4-7.


  • Hey,
    I got the fcb1010 today.
    I though i'll try it out a little before ordering the UNO chip, no problems with changing presets,
    but couldn't get the expression pedals working..
    Can I get them to work without the UNO chip or am I wasting my time?

  • Hi
    I recently bought a KPA and a Behringer FCB1010 MIDI foorcontroller with UNO chip 1.03.
    New in this field , I tried to configurate the FCB1010 for hours, Ripwerx did help, but I got no good working footcontroller( program changes + stompboxes + expression pedals)
    Can anybody help me with a working sysex-file that I can download and then dump with Ripwerx in the FCB1010 ?
    I would be very grateful

  • Hi all
    The sysex file at the top of the threat should work.
    If you have probs with the expression pedals, try the recalibration described in the manual (link above)
    This worked for me, after having similar problems like you.
    Good luck

    Geht nicht, gibt´s nicht. "Doesn't work" is no option. :!:

  • Hi
    Bought a FCB1010 today with UNU Chip but it is the version 1.02 and not the 1.03 chip.
    What is the difference?


    Hi, I bought recently also Uno chip and wheter it was labeled 1.03 Ripwerx editor showed it is 1.02. It could be that Ripwerx does not understand 1.03 version at the moment. However, it could be edited as well. Difference is explained at Uno sites but I really dont know does it matter when using with KPA.

  • AFAIK the Ripwerx editor hasn't been updated for quite a while.
    I assume it cannot properly determine a UnO flash eprom 1.03.
    OTOH Xavier, the creator of the UnO eprom, makes a very good editor himself.
    It's not free, costs € 16.-, but it is worth every cent.
    Check it out at, as McRalfix recommended in his first post.
    Never been easier to program the FCB and surpasses Ripwerx by far IMO.

  • Hey, thanks for the sysex file.

    It took me a while to get it working though, I'm on Mac and tried using Ripwerx and everything seemed fine but when I checked by using a midi monitor it seemed Ripwerx did not work at all.

    Then I downloaded the open source SysEx Librarian ( and everything worked fine! So Ripwerx seems to be broken on Mac Lion, you might be able to use it to create presets but programming the controller with it doesn't work. I'm using eprom 1.03 btw.


  • I just received my FCB1010 and the Uno Chip. Popped it in in about 10 minutes. I use a MAC so my sysex program of choice is:

    Used the original poster's sysex file and VOILA....initial template up and running. I then launched the FCBUnoControlCenter and "tweaked" the settings. Put the stomps on the bottom row, assigned the Delay to a stomp instead of X, and switched the Expression Pedals, Volume on the Right and Wah on the Left. Perfect setup and works great!

    All I need now is to figure out how to get Tap Tempo in the loop. I see the FCB1010 has a couple switch jacks on the back, anyone tap into these before?


  • I figured out how to set up my old X-15 to control all accessable parameters of the KPA (and of course to change programs).
    Pedals are now Wah and Volume (wish I could control Delay Mix with it ... ;) ) and I've set the buttons
    in "Mode" choice to switch stomps and effects, call the tuner and one button for tapping ...
    If someone want to do the same: Look into the X-15 manual (downloadable on the ART website)
    page 4-7.


    Hi Francodimo. Please enable PMs in your profile. I'd like to chat with you about the X-15.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer