Actually pressing the merged cabinet button changes the sound?

  • I've never really pressed the merged cabinet button. I've always just loaded a Cabinet on a di profile and played but never really committing to pressing the merged cabinet button till just now and I'm not totally sure but I could swear that it changes the sound? Does anybody else feel that way, does this happen anybody else?

  • Oh yeah. It’s not subtle. You would think that it would be just as simple as putting a cab IR on it but it’s not the case. My feeling is that it has something to do with cabdriver taking it from one profile and figuring out how it fits into another. How it sounds prior to merging is most likely not the most accurate representation of that cabinet. At least that’s what I want to believe.

    FWIW, there’s no harm in merging a cabinet. You can always un-merge it later since the amp and cabinet are seen as two distinct entities. In other words, you aren’t committing to anything by hitting the merge button.

  • I needed to hear this thank you. Lol

    I had it in my mind that it would be forever changed or something but I see that's not the case.

    Really this opens up a whole new world for me.

    Still, strange that it behaves like this way. I would think that since it can be changed again later why bother with this "Audition" mode as a pre stage for what will really happen when merge cabinet is pressed.

  • I highly recommend experimenting!

    I found a bunch of info against using the merge cabinet feature if I wasn't the one who made the original profile but, I actually found in certain cases I've gotten great results by trying it when possible. If it sounds good, go with it.

    You always can save whatever you've changed in a profile as a new profile. So instead of overwriting the original profile, it saves as a new one :) just make sure to hit "save as" after hitting the "Store" soft button :thumbup: