Copy effects between Rigs and/or Performances?

  • I am new to Kemper but I have the time to dive in. I did manage to erase all the Rigs, Presets, and Performances by re-initializing which I now consider a blessing in disguise. Yesterday I previewed all 287 packs in the online "Kemper Factory Content 7" folder and stored about 115 of them back to the unit. I have some packs that I purchased and acquired free as well. I am now creating performances to be triggered by the Remote. How can I copy individual, or all, effects of one Rig to another? How can I copy individual, or all, effects of one Rig in the pool to another Rig in a Performance? Thanks

    Kemper Power Head

    Mission Engineering KM-212P-GN w/ Kemper Kone Speakers

  • you can make FX section presets on the Head or Rack but not the Stage or in Rig Manager unfortunately.

    the work around is to load a rig with the FX you want to use then (in rig manager) right click on Amp or Cab section and select Lock All But Amp/Cab then manually unlock the other one. You will now have all Fx locked but not Amp or Cab. Now load a new rig. Only the Amp and Cab will load and you can now save it with the FX attached. It is a bit of a cumbersome and annoying workaround for something that worked perfectly in the Head and Rack but Kemper have done this on purpose as they don’t believe FX chain presets make sense anymore so it seems unlikely we are going to get them added to RM or the Stage ?

  • Thank you both for the helpful answers. I should have mentioned I have a PowerHead and that I have discovered how to copy a single effect from one rig in Browse Mode to another in Browse or Performance Mode on the head itself using the copy and paste buttons. However, some of the ideas presented in this conversation seem a bit unclear. Do I understand that the technique described here is using Rig Manager to lock the amp/cab parameters and load another rig to bring in the effects group, or is it about locking the effects and load another rig to bring in the amp/cab? Thanks

    Kemper Power Head

    Mission Engineering KM-212P-GN w/ Kemper Kone Speakers

  • While this can probably be done in either RM or the Profiler, the Profiler seems to be more "stable". So, I would suggest doing as much as you can directly on the profiler. And I don't want to speak for Wheresthedug (although I probably learned this from him), but this is how I do it:

    Load the rig that has the stomps and effects you want to use. Lock the Stomps and the Effects (not the Stack). Do this by holding the lock button on the profiler and pressing the Stomps button and then the Effects button. (At this point, make a mental note to remember that you have locked the stomps and effects and will need to unlock them, trust me on this: if you messed this up as much as I have, you would put a relevant sticky note on the front of the Profiler.) Then load the rig with the Stack (read: Amp & Cab) that you want. You can load the rig by scrolling on the Profiler, but this part might be easier to do in RM since you can keyword search, access rigs that aren't on the Profiler, etc. Find the rig you want in RM and double click on it. This will load the Stack into the Profiler but with the locked stomps & effects from the prior rig (that is, the rig that was loaded when you locked the stomps & effects). This is probably obvious, but you can audition a bunch of rigs this way if you want to.

    At this point, before I save this new rig, I unlock the stomps and effects, and then save the new rig. I am over-emphasizing this because if you don't unlock, the stomps and effects will persist and get loaded and saved with every rig or performance you save until you remember to unlock them. I've messed this up so many times that I rarely forget anymore, but I've messed up a lot of my performances due to forgetting to unlock something. You can press and hold the Lock button and any locked items will be lit up. Press those lit up buttons to unlock them.

    I am over explaining this but there is a good reason, and it is not to insult your intelligence. One of my pet peeves is an instructor/ professor / teacher who has forgotten that I don't know as much about their area of expertise as they do. They typically forget to discuss the minutiae that they just take for granted and leave their students with an incomplete understanding. I don't want to be that guy!

    I have gone so far as to set up some performances solely to save various combinations of stomps and effects. You can name the performance and the slots with information pertinent to the effects combination(s). The Profiler will allow you to save sets of stomps and sets of effects (as well as individual stomps & effects), but saving them in a performance slot is a way to have a "preset" of both stomps and effects. For example, I have a performance set up with combinations of stomps and effects with short reverbs, and another performance with larger reverbs. I have a performance set up with effects combinations that I use primarily for cleaner tones, and a performance set up with combinations that I generally use with dirtier tones. I even keep some with wacky or cool combinations that I find in other folks rigs so that I can find them again if I ever want to. Setting those up takes some doing, but you end up with what amounts to preset effects/stomps and combinations of effects/stomps.

    Now that I wrote all of that I realized what I meant to say was, "Use the lock function to keep what you want and then change anything else...just remember to unlock before you save! ".

    Be Thankful.

    Edited once, last by kevinduren (June 19, 2020 at 7:00 AM).

  • You have a Head. You are in luck - unless Kemper have now removed the FX Group preset functionality from head and rack as part of the move to a unified OS in 7.4

    Load a rig (any rig).

    set up the Stomps and FX you want to use as a preset.

    Hold the Stomp or FX button then hit store. It should ask if you want to save the whole rig or just the FX. Choose just the FX (I’m not at my Kemper just now so some of the terms may be wrong but the general idea is correct). Now name the FX preset perhaps something like “virtual pedal board 1“ and complete the saving precess. Do the same for the FX group. Maybe call it “virtual FX rack” or something.

    Now whenever you have a rig loaded and you want to load the full Effects chains you simple hit the Stomps button and turn the browse knob to load the full chain. Simple as that. No locking and unlocking or any other workarounds that might lead to unintended errors. It was a fantastic system that was wonderfully designed at outset.