Overdrive Discussion

  • Okay so Im usually a Green Scream all the way. Drive set to 1.0 or less, Tone at 5.0 and level usually all the way up. I want to experiment and looking for advice. I bought M Britt's Dumble pack and have been playing around with his Mayer Jazz profile which is just a nice smooth jazz clean sound and a Ceria Tone profile with about gain at halfway so think SRV, Carlton, Robben Ford type tone; not too much not too little. My first question is how would you guys approach overdriving a clean jazz sound without completely changing it? And how would you approach the same for the lighter gain creamier type amps like the Ceria tone profile?

  • i’m still a bit old school in that respect. I can’t see the point in an overdrive for something like a Dumble. I have that pack as well as some others from the usual names and find that the reason for buying them is to get the Dumble overdrive tone. I grew up on Ford, Carlton, SRV, Santana etc so the Dumble overdrive is really the holy grail for me. If I want more gain I just use a profile with more gain to start with. Guys like those mentioned typically would set the overdrive channel as gained up as they want and then clean it up from the guitar volume and picking dynamics rather than start cleaner and add a pedal when more gain was needed.

  • i’m still a bit old school in that respect. I can’t see the point in an overdrive for something like a Dumble. I have that pack as well as some others from the usual names and find that the reason for buying them is to get the Dumble overdrive tone. I grew up on Ford, Carlton, SRV, Santana etc so the Dumble overdrive is really the holy grail for me. If I want more gain I just use a profile with more gain to start with. Guys like those mentioned typically would set the overdrive channel as gained up as they want and then clean it up from the guitar volume and picking dynamics rather than start cleaner and add a pedal when more gain was needed.

    I respect that Doug, but also keep in mind i do like the dumble voicing to also play some harder rock stuff as well so sometimes a little extra saturation is useful or needed. For now, Im also playing at lower volumes in my bedroom. I still prefer to overdrive a jazz profile for example than just click into a different rig because when I gig I just like to use one performance

  • I hear you.

    There are obviously no wrong and right only what works for you. If it sounds good it is good. I would definitely experiment with using a higher gain profile as the base level and rolling the guitar volume back for cleaner sounds rather than starting clean and boosting. This still has the ability to have the clean and dirty in one rig but gives infinite control rather than on/off.

  • I have experimented a lot with using all the different overdrives with eq and or shapers and boosts pre or post overdrive and stacked over drives. There's a lot of different combos for many different sounds. Try the Plus Dist with a graphic eq after or the Mouse with a Hard Shaper after it. You can also stack two green screams together to get a cool sound. The settings you just have play around with. Also the amp and cab settings can change these a lot too.

  • I'm a huge Dumble sound user/fan and I use either the Green Scream or the Mouse to get them gainier. The Mouse changes the character of the profile a bit but thats ok with me. Sometimes I use an EQ in front of the OD to shape the signal going into the drive to get me where I want.


    Mats N

  • Ive just purchased the Dumble pack from Mr Britt and three others from Tone Junkies as they were selling them for £5 each.

    Really looking forward playing the Dumble profiles.

    Bought $130 worth for just $36 with the current discounts offered from both sellers.

    'You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead' - Stan Laurel