Lost profiles and favourites in Editor software on restart

  • I spent a few hours yesterday to select my favourite bass sounds which I then marked as favourite.

    The one I ended up using for recording I even duplicated and renamed it to the song name.

    I also set the outputs of the Kemper so I can record the DI signal separate to the Amp signal.

    I turned the computer off last night (no crashes) and switched it back on this morning.

    All the favourites I marked are gone, the duplicated profile isn't there and the output settings are back to standard.

    Whats going on? Is the Rig Manager not reliable for saving and marking profiles?

    If I can't find the profile I used to record yesrteday I'll have to re record most parts today. What a pain.

  • I have had numerous weird things like this happen with Rig Manager... Even had it randomly delete profiles before (though that was after laptop "went to sleep" - which I have since remedied) - another time it started changing (and saving) the gain of profiles a bunch of profiles - seems better after recent updates but I make several backups per day just in-case...

    For all the improvements that are added, the most important thing would be to make it more stable - we need to have confidence that all the time consuming tweaking and cataloging won't just get lost! It is usually stable of course - and generally a very useful and intuitive piece of software - but when it goes wrong, it can be devastating to whatever creative process you were in the midst of.

  • I´ve had some really annoying issues lately regarding this. It keeps reverting volumes on patches and saving them to weird locations, I constantly save after any change but I just think I´m done editing via USB for this summer... Consistency went out the window a few patches ago sadly.

  • Marking a Rig as a Favorite doesn't require storing. It's just adding this attribute to the Rig. If the attribute is taken off, this doesn't mean the Rig disappears. The Rig rests within the Rig pool all the time and can always be seen with View "All Rigs" regardless if it's a Favorite or not. Therefor I doubt very much, that a Rig disappears during these exercises.

    Favorites are linked to the owner name. If I mark a Rig as my Favorite and share it with you, it doesn't become your Favorite unless you mark it as your Favorite and vice verse. Make sure your owner name in the PROFILER and owner name in Rig Manager are in sync. Normally Rig MAnager suggests that. Otherwise Favorites in Rig Manager and Favorites in PROFILER are out of sync.

    If you change the owner name in PROFILER and/or Rig Manager the former Favorites don't appear as Favorites anymore. Return to the original name, and the former Favorites are back as Favorites. But again, the Rigs are there all the time. Check "All Rigs".