Overwhelmed with too many profiles, what is the best way to clear them off?

  • My issue is I had 680ish profiles on my Kemper. I love trying new stuff but I haven't been organizing/cleaning my profiles and now I am in a state of too-many-profiles. I created a backup file and renamed it to .TAR and unzipped it with 7ZIP to a folder on my computer. That is easy. I assume I can do something like delete the rigs I don't want from the profile directory and then recreate a .TAR and restore the backup file.. but this makes me uneasy because I am screwing around with the backup file. I assume 7zip can create a good TAR backup file but I don't want to risk a bricked Kemper.

    Is there a better way than hitting 'delete' when browsing the profiles?

    Edited once, last by mikeb (May 13, 2012 at 1:53 AM).

  • Hey Mike,
    the method you're suggesting has been already used by many here, with one piece of software or another. As long as the program you use is able to edit a zip, rar or tar file you should not have any problem.
    Anyway, make a backup copy of the file you took from the KPA, so you'll be able to restore the original backup at any moment in case of troubles :)


  • I simply did this: Made a folder called "Kemper" on my desktop. Inside that folder, I keep a folder that says "Audtioned". These are profiles that have been loaded into the Kemper. I don't usually load new profiles until a FW update comes out, so new profiles go into the Kemper folder and won't go into "Auditioned" folder until they actually make it on my flashdrive. If I don't like them when they get to the Kemper, I simply delete them from the Kemper, but I still have them on my PC for future reference. I try to keep the profiles on my Kemper as low as possible but I want to try every profile too.
    Very tedious, but what do you do with 1700+ profiles?

    "Heavy Metal does have a message for the rest of the world: Fuck You!" -Sebastian Bach

  • Yeah, it seems Kemper are direly late to the hype. Possibly, as keyboard-related designers, they were not aware of how crazy the guitar world can be! LOL
    On a more serious note, I'm starting thinking they had no clue about a guitarist's needs. Bad brainstormings? Bad customer analysis? Don't know.

    They are 6 months-1year late IMO. Services and logistics (both on-board and on-line) are not at all adequate to the real user base. Parhaps they missed locating the real target.

    I also think they would have sold much more units had everything been ready on time; by now, the number of unit sold could have been be twice-three times the current figures. Lots of people are on the fence just waiting, or buying something else. Sales are not only important for Kemper, but for us as users as well: the higher, the more development going.
    Still believe that if they invested in enforcing the workgroup and pushed the pace up, they would gain market share.

    Something must have went wrong from the very beginning, marketing-wise. But the product is solid and innovative, and it will emerge nonetheless.

  • Yeah, it seems Kemper are direly late to the hype. Possibly, as keyboard-related designers, they were not aware of how crazy the guitar world can be! LOL
    On a more serious note, I'm starting thinking they had no clue about a guitarist's needs. Bad brainstormings? Bad customer analysis? Don't know.

    They are 6 months-1year late IMO. Services and logistics (both on-board and on-line) are not at all adequate to the real user base. Parhaps they missed locating the real target.

    I also think they would have sold much more units had everything been ready on time; by now, the number of unit sold could have been be twice-three times the current figures. Lots of people are on the fence just waiting, or buying something else. Sales are not only important for Kemper, but for us as users as well: the higher, the more development going.
    Still believe that if they invested in enforcing the workgroup and pushed the pace up, they would gain market share.

    Something must have went wrong from the very beginning, marketing-wise. But the product is solid and innovative, and it will emerge nonetheless.

    You are 100% correct with what you wrote above.

    I have never owned a device that has made me so satisfied, and so frustrated, at the same time.

    Yes, we would all benefit from an increased user base.

    Just look at the forum membership. There are only 966 members, of which, half have never even posted here.

    Guitarists, like me, come here before they buy, to get a feel for what they are in for.

    I am older, and more patient than most, but if I was 20yrs younger, I would spend about 10 minutes reading about the issues discussed on this forum, and look for a different unit.

    I am all in on the KPA, but I sure would like to have a lot more users, along with me for the ride, and I don't see that happening without an easier way to handle all the profiles*, faster boot time, and full midi control.( plus other issues).

    *(I am not referring to editor/ librarian. I mean a better filing system on the KPA itself, s/a Perform Mode.)
    (I understand, the editor/ librarian, will take time to emerge, as will a foot controller.)

    Edited once, last by imall41 (May 14, 2012 at 9:01 PM).

  • I have made the same criticisms as you guys but have usually tempered them after the fact as my love for the box wins out. And I am still waiting for them to to come out with a great software improvement - really anything. I know the rig pack has been put out, but weren't those users doing the profiles? I would like to see even one big software improvement to this product and not just stability fixes. Although they should certainly keep working on those stability fixes too. Come on guys. If that big announcement fails to impress or materialize in the next 3-4 months, perhaps it would be time to have a different conversation.

  • Yeah, it seems Kemper are direly late to the hype. Possibly, as keyboard-related designers, they were not aware of how crazy the guitar world can be! LOL
    On a more serious note, I'm starting thinking they had no clue about a guitarist's needs. Bad brainstormings? Bad customer analysis? Don't know.

    They are 6 months-1year late IMO. Services and logistics (both on-board and on-line) are not at all adequate to the real user base. Parhaps they missed locating the real target.

    I also think they would have sold much more units had everything been ready on time; by now, the number of unit sold could have been be twice-three times the current figures. Lots of people are on the fence just waiting, or buying something else. Sales are not only important for Kemper, but for us as users as well: the higher, the more development going.
    Still believe that if they invested in enforcing the workgroup and pushed the pace up, they would gain market share.

    Something must have went wrong from the very beginning, marketing-wise. But the product is solid and innovative, and it will emerge nonetheless.

    With all due respect, speaking of sales, time periods of being late and such: do you have any data to back up what you wrote?
    If not, it's only cheap gossip IMO, sorry.
    The perspective is that the KPA is a unique and one of a kind product that emphasizes on SOUND in the first place, contrary to other products that come with some gadges from the beginning (like the Line 6 HD series with the HD Editor editor).
    For the record: It also took Fractal years to come out with a working Axe-Edit.
    So what the fuss?
    The editor has been requested by users numerous times and has been confired by Kemper numerous times.
    It will come.
    There's no use in bringing up this topic every second thread.

    Just my 0,02 €.

  • Yeah, really odd. The KPA has only been out for 6 or 7 months, less than that in the US. Fractal has been at it for 7 years now? And they took years to get a working editor afaik, and I am sure AxeFX has had it's share of growing pains in the beginning. Have some patience guys. It's a brand new product. There are kinks and missing features but they will be addressed I am sure. I am excited about the future with the KPA. They got one thing right from the beginning which is the most important. The Sound.

  • I can totaly understand being curious and wanting to try out every profile possible.

    My cousin recently got his first laptop. And he was very impressed, very happy and wanted to try out everything. A few weeks later he came to me and said: "It's strange, my laptop is so slow, I can't seem to find stuff anymore, could you take a look at it?" So i did and I guess you all know what I found. Hundreds of small freeware application, his whole desktop was full of icons. The laptop was hardly doing anything. His browser was full of toolbars etc. He has downloaded pretty much everything he could, not because he really needed the stuff, just because it was available.
    I'm not an IT person but anyone who has worked with computers (and the kemper is a computer) knows two things: Too much data makes your computer slow and unclear.

    That does not mean, that there isn't room for a rig organising software. But you can avoid to be overwhelmed by... well... not overwhelming yourself ;)

  • It's just my opinion, Doc: the way I see and feel it. I'm sorry you consider it cheap gossip, because I'm perhaps the strongest gossip-hater on the planet. And I've jumped in because of Lucky's post I responded to.

    TBH, I don't even think gossip is a proper term. I've made an analysis based on what Kemper showed. Fractal has had one year to elaborate their countermeasures (still believe that, if there was no KPA, we wouldn't have FW 6.0 as it is now).
    I want to stress that I've no interest in Kemper destroying Fractal or anything else LOL This is just pure marketing-oriented thinking, that every firm makes and has to make on a daily basis.

    Comparing Axe-Fx's lifetime and development path with KPA's is what we'd call an own-goal in Italy: it's exactly because of the fact that Fractal have already made their mistakes that Kemper were expected not to commit them. Furthermore, if you're entering the arena with a strong contender already waiting for you, you should pay double attention to have a better strategy. Now, Kemper not thinking of Fractal as a contender could be one of their mistakes I was referring to in my previous post.

    TBH, again, I don't think that since the KPA is a unique piece of gear then Kemper can afford making strategic mistakes. And they made obvious mistakes.
    Last, Line6 having got gadgets doesn't mean that only crap stuff has to have got gadgets. I feel you, but I also hardly see how your points can lay on the same layer as mine.

    @ Animus: I'm really patient, my presence and my activity here proves it ;)

    All: please stop calling pot-melter anyone not enthusiastic about the KPA or legitimately criticizing. We just come from discussing this regarding Hadley... I still remember him been attached because of lese-majesty.

    I knew this was going to become like the Fractal forum... LOL

    Peace and axes (not Fx :D )

  • I knew this was going to become like the Fractal forum... LOL

    Peace and axes (not Fx :D )

    That was a good one lol :D
    Feels great here with open discussions without deleted threads, banned users and threats.
    Other competitive gear can be discussed here without one product being singled out and censored when it is released.
    Good atmosphere here.

  • That was a good one lol :D
    Feels great here with open discussions without deleted threads, banned users and threats.
    Other competitive gear can be discussed here without one product being singled out and censored when it is released.
    Good atmosphere here.

    What turned me off the most was when the Fractal dude called his customers "crybabies" over the AxeFXII waiting list fiasco. I totally don't get why you would say such things to your userbase, the very people that support you.

  • What turned me off the most was when the Fractal dude called his customers "crybabies" over the AxeFXII waiting list fiasco. I totally don't get why you would say such things to your userbase, the very people that support you.

    ... True! LOL

    Well, seriously, we got to understand the poor Eng. Chase: he invested all he owned in the Axe project, and I wish him all the luck because he definitely deserves it. He contented himself with very low margins for quite a long time, and slept few hours per night for months. I guess his stress level was quite high.

    He made a mistake I can understand. What I can't share was the ultraloyalists' position by which he had any right to do so because he was the owner of the firm and of the forum... you know, crap like that. Sounds so American to me as an European (no offence meant to the fellow members from the US of course ;))!
    I'll repeat myself: when one loses a balanced POV because defending their choice(s) at any cost is much more important than respecting the others, intolerance is the result.

    Gosh, when people understand that you don't need to claim for perfection in order to love something/someone?!
