• Dobrý den. Nyní je super možnost přiřadit kterýkoliv reproduktor k jednotlivým rigům v Kone. Za to moc děkuji. Nešla by ještě udělat možnost u jednotlivých rigů (stejně jak změna reproduktoru) on a nebo off cabinetu v Kone? Je to z důvodu, že můj rig na elektroakustickou kytaru má vyplý amp, ale zaplý cabinet, který obsahuje impulz. Ten když nyní v Kone vypnu, tak zvuk není moc příjemný. Je jako kdybych hrál na aparaturu pro elektrickou kytaru. Chápu, že Kemper je určený především pro elektrickou kytaru, ale hraje dobře taky s akustickou kytarou. Nešlo by to zařídit třeba funkcí bypass?

    Good day. Now it's a great opportunity to assign any speaker to individual rigs in Kone. Thank you very much for that. Wouldn't it be possible to make an option for individual rigs (as well as changing the speaker) on or off the cabinet in Kone? This is because my electroacoustic guitar rig has a fitted amp but a switched on cabinet that contains a pulse. If I turn it off in Kone now, the sound is not very pleasant. It's like playing electric guitar. I understand that Kemper is designed primarily for electric guitar, but it also plays well with acoustic guitar. Couldn't it be arranged by the bypass function, for example?

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  • If I understand your question correctly it is already possible.

    I use a two electric guitars which also have piezo pickups (PRS P22 and Parker Fly). I can change from using the electric profiles with a speaker imprint to a profile of an acoustic preamp with no cabinet and the Kone automatically switches to full range mode on a rig by rig basis. I think this is what you are also asking for?

    Leave Kone on in both cases as this is needed to make the actual speaker properly Full Range. If you have the Cabinet block in the Rig active you will get the speaker imprint. However, if the Cabinet Block is switched off you will get full range mode for acoustic.