Power Amp Boost 8/8

  • I looked in the newest manual and cannot find any info on the Output Section's 8/8 "Pwr Amp Boost."

    I realize this is for powered racks and toasters, but what does this feature do; and how do we use it to our advantage?

    Any information would be useful, thanks.

  • Page 90

    (If you have a powered KPA):

    Power Amp Booster

    As mentioned, the power amp is internally connected to the MONITOR OUTPUT, which provides enough headroom to support even the loud attacks and transients of clean guitars. However, this comfortable headroom will naturally lower the signal volume for the power amp, so you might not achieve the desired loudness. Turning up the "Power Amp Boost" will increase the volume loudness by up to 12 dB, in addition to the other volume controls in the signal flow, such as "Monitor Volume" or "Rig Volume". The "Power Amp Boost" has no further impact to the sound or dynamics of the power amp. When the power amp is switched off, the "Power Amp Boost" is deactivated, thus returning the full signal headroom to the MONITOR OUTPUT.