Explain how this works please

  • Maybe I haven't seen the right video but I'm trying to understand how Rig Manager works.

    Let me tell you what I did, and then you tell me what I did wrong.

    I downloaded some rigs and imported them into Rig Manager. So now I guess they're on my computer. Rig Manager isn't automatically moving them into the Kemper unit (that I know of). I select a rig in "Rig Packs", and "load into editor and preview". That amp now shows on the Kemper unit. I play it on my guitar. I favorite it on the Kemper unit. I favorite 20 rigs this way. Then I browse rigs on the Kemper unit (sorting by favorites) but none of the rigs I favorited show up. Is this because they were never transferred from my computer to the kemper?

    Also I have some rigs in my local library. I copied them into the Kemper. Seems like there is no way to organize rigs into folders at all (only performances). Is this the case?

  • Is this because they were never transferred from my computer to the kemper?

    Indeed, mate. They're sent to the Kemper's edit buffer, something pretty much all digital outboard gear uses to host presets whilst they're being tweaked. Guitar / bass-amp modellers, FX units and synths operate this way, for example.

    If you don't choose to save what's in the buffer, it won't be permanently stored on the Kemper, just like when you make a tweak to a Rig.

    If you think about it, this makes sense for many reasons. In the case of using RM to browse Rigs, if it didn't work this way, you'd soon run out of room on the Kemper whilst browsing your Local Library and the Rig Exchange.

    This should be covered in the dedicated Rig Manager manual. Have you read it?

    Also I have some rigs in my local library. I copied them into the Kemper. Seems like there is no way to organize rigs into folders at all (only performances). Is this the case?

    There are "virtual folders" in the sense that you can filter the Rig pool to show only bass Rigs, Favourites and so on, but you can't create user-definable folders.