Looper for Newbs

  • You mean it restarts with the righ timing?
    Without quantisation theresn't much you can do apart from using your time sensitivity and feeling. The two critical times are, of course, when you press the switch for starting and stopping it.
    Also, experiment with the switch so that you perfectly feel at what point of his stroke it triggers the function.


    Still chasing a worthy one :/

  • What is the correct way to end a loop so it restarts properly? Also, which volume setting do you use to control the volume of the looper? Thanks for all your help guys! I think the looper will be a turning point in my playing

    Starting and stopping.

    Try this.


    One Two Three Four (out loud, repeat)

    As you say each number, hit a note (e.g., G on the E string)

    Repeat that a few times until you're maintaining a steady rhythm

    Tap your foot in time as you count (the one you will use to control the looper)

    When your rhythm is steady

    Tap Button One (Record) on the One (keep playing)

    Tap Button One (Play) on the second One (second time around), stop playing

    When you're tired of hearing your four notes, hit button 2 (stop), then two more times to clear.

    Repeat the exercise as necessary to get your timing .

    Go for more bars.

    Replace notes with chords.

    You'll get the timing in no time.

  • Thanks I will try this later and let you know how I did. How do I turn down the volume of the looper?

  • Thanks I will try this later and let you know how I did. How do I turn down the volume of the looper?

    I haven't found a way to turn down the volume of the loop (independent of the Master Volume).

    I record the loop at a lower volume (rig volume). I generally play along with my loops using a different rig.

  • If you have a four bar measure, play through a complete four bars - and then press record with your foot on the 'one' of the beat as you continue playing the riff.

    If you play nothing, do a count in, and TRY to press record and start playing with your fingers it will always sound like a stutter or glitch when it returns to the beginning of the phrase to loop again.

    Think that when you are playing the following chords in the pattern A, B, C and D.....when you move from the D chord to the A chord again you need to hear that transition from D to A...there isn't a minute pause every time you repeat a section in real life...unless its for a musical purpose :)

    Looping is a pain in the ass when you first start...but very rewarding after a little practice :)



    PRS Custom 22's - Fender Strats - Diezel VH4 - Carol Ann OD2 - Toneking Imperial MK2 - Colin the Kemper - CLR Neo ii.

  • You mean it restarts with the righ timing?
    Without quantisation theresn't much you can do apart from using your time sensitivity and feeling. The two critical times are, of course, when you press the switch for starting and stopping it.
    Also, experiment with the switch so that you perfectly feel at what point of his stroke it triggers the function.



    Do you think quantisation could be added via programming? If they introduced quantisation that’d be perfect. I wasn’t sure whether it would require different hardware etc.


  • Hey,

    Do you think quantisation could be added via programming? If they introduced quantisation that’d be perfect. I wasn’t sure whether it would require different hardware etc.

    You mean in the KPA, don't you?
    Sure, it can be implemented in FW. There's basically no dedicated hardware in a digital looper (apart from the switches ect.).

    I am not sure we'll see this tho: it might be very low on Kemper team's priorities list (if ever present), and/or there might be limitation in DSP/real estate if other functions have been planned.

    It would be great tho, yeah :)

    Still chasing a worthy one :/

  • Looping is almost an instrument in itself. It takes practice. Even seasoned looping performers sometimes flub a loop.

    The process above explains how to get into the groove. I would also add that you should be doing a couple of passes playing and START the loop as the END of your phrase and END the loop as the START of your phrase. Thinking of it that way seems to help timing.

    watch some YouTube videos to learn how. Quantization is a nice to have but it won’t fix bad technique.