Profile to match THIS tone?

  • hey guys,

    since i play guitar, im trying to get as close as possible to get Tom Delonges live tone from the linked video below for punk related music.

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    I know that his Overdrive - Tone comes from a Mesa Rectifier (you can obviously see it in the video) and a Marshall JCM 900 for clean/crunch. Many people think he blends both tones together, but he doesn't!

    I have the same guitar with the same pickup and the same strings. I have a Mesa Cab (or Mesa Cab-Sim when playing at home with Monitors) but no Mesa Rectifier-Profile i've tried so far comes close.

    The biggest problem is, that they all get fuzzy in the bottom end when palm muting. But the mutes from Tom are nice and tight.

    I do have a sound that is pretty much his clean/crunch sound, but I need suggestions for the Distorted-Main tone.

  • I think it`s this video:

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    Kemper Head - Kemper Remote - Palmer Box with Kemper Kone - TC Electronic BAM200 - Laney LFR 112

  • thanks for getting the video link right. i just copied the embed link from youtube. no idea, what i did wrong. sorry.

    of course i have found those profiles from your links, SliderJeff . But the profiles from petesprofiles try to match the record-sound of the songs, and i don't want that sound. besides, the samples available are close and fit in the mix, but knowing the original songs, i can tell they are not close enough for my taste (and aren't even recorded 100% in time).

    i hoped, that STL also had an early Blink-182 Pack, because i don't like the new Feldmann -Sound at all. Worst Blink-Record Sound till today...

    i will try Till's Recto RAW 2 as mentioned by you tomorrow.

  • Have you tried a Studio EQ in the X slot with a high-cut at about 6K? That should get rid of the fizz. I suspect Tom's engineer also does this on his miked signal.

    no, havent tried that.

    i don't think that it's the "key" to his sound when playing live. there are pretty old live videos from the early dude ranch era where tom plays a les paul and the sound is super close to the one in the enema era. i don't think that they had a sound engineer throughout several eras.

  • Okay this is going sound very weird but I tried to match the sound of Tom Delong All The Small Things against a You Tube Isolated track.

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    I tried all the Mesa Triple recs I could but nothing came as close as this:

    76 sunn Mod
    Gain 4 ( 2 dots below 12:00) Bass 6 (one dot above 12:00) Middle 6 1/2 ( 2 dots above) Treble 10 ( Full) Presence 10 (Full)

    Used a ninty's Les Paul with stock humbuckers.

    Not what I expected but sounds super close to me.

  • Since you have access to this recording maybe this will work.

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    I know it is YT and compressed but maybe this will get close?


  • Since you have access to this recording maybe this will work.

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    I know it is YT and compressed but maybe this will get close?


    This method work very well i'm using it a lot and the result sound very close to the original (only if the original are isolated with no compression like mp3 garbage). Big up to Melda Production to give us all the tools in the same plugin (EQ capture - EQ Matching and IR export).