A bass amp uses tweeter/full range speakers. Kemper + bass amp = guitar amp...no?

  • There are numerous class D style bass amps available. High powered, tone stack dedicated to instruments, tweeter, full range speakers,

    tiny portable heads, lightweight cabs, etc.

    So why doesn’t a Kemper through a bass amp (Gallien-Krueger/TC Electronic/etc) work as a good guitar setup?

    I’m not saying it should, but I’m curious as to why it wouldn’t?


  • probably because bass amps/cabinets aren’t designed to be anywhere near flat response. Even though many have tweeters they are really only adding a little sparkle to a fundamentally bass rich tone. The tone stack is also tailored to frequencies that suit the bass guitar.

    I tried my powered KPA through my Ampeg 808 Classic and, while it “worked” it certainly wasn’t a sound I would want to use unless I had no option.

    plus - that Ampeg is a beast to lug around even though it has wheel :D