Fryette Power Station - tell me it's worth buying?

  • C kemper recommends not to use a valve power amp as it can add too much colour. For this purpose a simple class d amp gives all you need

    Yeah we know that. But I’ve run my Kemper by itself using the internal powerhead amp vs. a tube amp. There is no comparison which sounds better in a room with a real cab even if it’s slightly colored.

    Back on topic...anyone still using a PS-2? Do you run the Kemper monitor out at -12 or some level and then use the Fryette to change volume up and down?

  • I have one of these coming soon...can someone clarify what volume to set the Kemper MONITOR OUTPUT to into the line level on PS2? I assume you want to unlink from master volume and set the MONITOR OUTPUT volume on the Kemper to 0.0dB?

    Then the PS2 is getting full input level and I use the PS2 to control cab volume...please confirm.

  • I bought a PowerStation to use as an attenuator (actually, it's more of a re-amper) on my Dr. Z amps, and it was fantastic. When I got my Kemper Rack, I now use it as my power amp into my monitor (was using a 2x12 with Celestion F12-X200, now a 1x12 with the Celestion) and it's equally fantastic. I cannot detect any color added by the 6L6's ... I'm sure on a spectrum analyzer it would show up compared to a Class D, but for my environments I'd defy anyone to hear the difference. The PowerStation is expensive, but given it's various uses, it's really worth it -- particularly if you even need tube amp attenuation. And its 50w of tube power -- it's LOUD, but can also whisper without losing tone.

    With the Thiele 1x12 its makes a nice, portable kit. The PowerStation is in the rack with the Kemper and a power supply (6U rack). I also got a back panel from BTPA that let's me have quick, easy connections out the back of the rack.

    Edited once, last by GCNC8068 (September 12, 2020 at 7:28 PM).

  • I bought a PowerStation to use as an attenuator (actually, it's more of a re-amper) on my Dr. Z amps, and it was fantastic. When I got my Kemper Rack, I now use it as my power amp into my monitor (was using a 2x12 with Celestion F200-X12, now a 1x12 with the Celestion) and it's equally fantastic. I cannot detect any color added by the 6L6's ... I'm sure on a spectrum analyzer it would show up compared to a Class D, but for my environments I'd defy anyone to hear the difference. The PowerStation is expensive, but given it's various uses, it's really worth it -- particularly if you even need tube amp attenuation. And its 50w of tube power -- it's LOUD, but can also whisper without losing tone.

    With the Thiele 1x12 its makes a nice, portable kit. The PowerStation is in the rack with the Kemper and a power supply (6U rack). I also got a back panel from BTPA that let's me have quick, easy connections out the back of the rack.

    I assume you’re using that cab and this F200 with cab sim on? How is it?

  • if I bypass the power section in my Kemper powerhead and go straight into the Fryette power station to 4x12 cab, The difference is like comparing a solid-state amplifier versus a real tube amplifier. Like comparing an a.m. radio versus an FM stereo.

    In fact, you can’t really compare the two because in my opinion, there’s no comparison…

    It’s ‘night and day’.

  • if I bypass the power section in my Kemper powerhead and go straight into the Fryette power station to 4x12 cab, The difference is like comparing a solid-state amplifier versus a real tube amplifier. Like comparing an a.m. radio versus an FM stereo.

    In fact, you can’t really compare the two because in my opinion, there’s no comparison…

    It’s ‘night and day’.

    Agreed, same exact for me having I assume you mean the PS2 comes out ahead.

  • Sounds like the tube amp (Fryette) power section interacts with your cabinets in some way (variable impedance?) which isn't captured by the KPA but can be added by processing with tube amplification.

    It does in 2 ways imo. First you get that feeling where however you play it comes through the amp (alive and not dull feeling). Secondly, atleast for me it brought out that low end rumble, resonance, and thump that’s lifeless in the stock powerhead amp.

  • I assume you’re using that cab and this F200 with cab sim on? How is it?

    yes - Im using the F12's with the cab sim on -- sounds great, especially the MBritt profiles. Everything from a Deluxe Reverb to a Marshall Silver Jubilee. I've recently started checking out the Kemper Kone imprints, and while very noticeable as you change them, not convinced they sound better than the cab sims in the profiles (they may sound much better through a Kone).

    Edited once, last by GCNC8068 (September 12, 2020 at 7:29 PM).

  • yes - Im using the F200 with the cab sim on -- sounds great, especially the MBritt profiles. Everything from a Deluxe Reverb to a Marshall Silver Jubilee. I've recently started checking out the Kemper Kone imprints, and while very noticeable as you change them, not convinced they sound better than the cab sims in the profiles (they may sound much better through a Kone).

    How neutral/flat sounding are the F200’s? They’re FRFRs right?

  • I think Celestion calls the F12 a "full range, live response" speaker as opposed to pure FRFR (the way a PA speaker would be), but it's not clear to me what the real difference between this and an advertised FRFR is.

    For example, the Celestion F12 specs are a range of 60hz to 20,000hz. The Mission Gemini 2 cab (an FRFR powered cab) is 57hz to 20,000hz. The Kemper Kone, interestingly, is 50hz to 10,000 hz (it's worth noting electric guitar has a practical top frequency of about 1,400hz - high e string at 25th fret. this doesn't count harmonics).

    I would say the Celestion is "FRFR" when speaking of speakers for modeling or profiling rigs ... I think Celestion says "live response" to emphasize the "amp in the room" quality.

    Edited once, last by GCNC8068 (September 12, 2020 at 7:56 PM).