Hey Radley, your tour rig

  • To my mind, the KPA comes off like two separate products from two separate divisions - the Profiling part vs. the OS/implementation part. The Profiling part scores very high indeed, while the foundational OS/structure tends to be barely treading water. Somewhat like the star quarterback who keeps throwing perfect passes, but the receiver can't seem to hold onto the ball...

    I don't know the history of the Kemper software development, but I would guess it was pretty focused on the Profiling aspect - this produced a fantastic result, but it still needs enforcement and support from the rest of the package.

    Comparison comment between AFX II and the KPA:

    They both can sound *Great*, no doubt about it!

    The Kemper gets *very* amplike sounds right off the bat, and has a huge number of quality profiles to download - there are still too many noise problems for what I do, but the basic sound is certainly there in spades! I was somewhat disappointed to find that it did not respond to Pre-EQ very effectively (or at least not like most of my tube amps) - it was almost like the KPA was on a mission, and that mission was to sound like *that amp*, come hell or high water. :)

    The AFX II is a very different monster. I treat it like I do most of my tube amps - I use both Pre and Post EQ to effect the desired result. I find the AFX responds almost exactly like my tube amps to this technique, and all this can be done within the unit with no outboard assistance. This results in a huge number of different but highly usable sounds that I can tweak as needed.

    I am a fortunate man to own both, and I look forward to the future advances from each platform - these are truly GREAT days to be a guitarist! 8o

    All modelers known to man 8o

  • The one thing that I really love about the KPA and I never noticed with any modelers or digital equipment is how differently it reacts with various guitars.
    Taking a Pod X3 Live as an example, or I could even bring up my Axe Fx Ultra, (which I sold a long long time ago) everything you throw at it more or less sounds the same or very similar. The KPA on the other hand sounds just like an amp would sound with a given guitar.
    So, as of today, the KPA made me change my mind and sell my Ibanez Universe. It helped me to remember how much I hated the tone of guitars equipped with a Floyd Rose or similar solution, and how much I love the tone and feel of fixed bridge guitars. Therefore I'm getting a Gibson Les Paul (possibly a Classic but a Standard would be nice, too), a Fender Strat (probably mexican as I can't really afford a better one) and some random Floyd-equipped superstrat (could be some cheaper Ibanez or a Jackson, I don't know yet) just to have it if I need it.
    Thanks, Kemper, you've just ruined everything for me ;( :D

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • The one thing that I really love about the KPA and I never noticed with any modelers or digital equipment is how differently it reacts with various guitars.
    Taking a Pod X3 Live as an example, or I could even bring up my Axe Fx Ultra, (which I sold a long long time ago) everything you throw at it more or less sounds the same or very similar. The KPA on the other hand sounds just like an amp would sound with a given guitar.
    So, as of today, the KPA made me change my mind and sell my Ibanez Universe. It helped me to remember how much I hated the tone of guitars equipped with a Floyd Rose or similar solution, and how much I love the tone and feel of fixed bridge guitars. Therefore I'm getting a Gibson Les Paul (possibly a Classic but a Standard would be nice, too), a Fender Strat (probably mexican as I can't really afford a better one) and some random Floyd-equipped superstrat (could be some cheaper Ibanez or a Jackson, I don't know yet) just to have it if I need it.
    Thanks, Kemper, you've just ruined everything for me ;( :D

    Instead of fenders you should check out G&L tributes. They are in a similiar price range with Fender mexicans, but IMO still a lot better. (although even they aren't what they used to be)

  • Instead of fenders you should check out G&L tributes. They are in a similiar price range with Fender mexicans, but IMO still a lot better. (although even they aren't what they used to be)

    Thank you so much!
    This is a great idea, although I'm planning on buying used gear, and preferably near to where I live (Hungary), so it could be hard to find one, and MIM Strats are so common and all over the place.

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • I don't think is a question of fairness, Hadley is a pro and he's big enough to decide what he wants to use on Tour. Even Larry Carlton goes on Tour with his Bludotone and the Dumble stays in studio. There are a lot of things to be taken in consideration when making a Tournee, not last that the artistic director and the producer are also part of those decisions. They are just tools, I see nothing negative for us or for the Kemper if Hadley decides to go on Tour with the Axe. Andy Innes has decided for the Kemper...so what? Does it make it better sounding? Or Hadley worse? IMHO, not....

    Or to do with your endorsements.

  • Exactly, and the rumors of the KPA forgetting certain programmed midi functions - I am sorry for my unclear choice of words!

    A quick comment about posting on different boards: When I am here, I don't go raving about my AFX, and when I'm posting at Fractal I don't rave about the Kemper - this just seems appropriate to me, but I still try to be honest about it all. I am getting some *excellent* sounds from my KPA Amp profiles - basic sound is no longer an issue for me. It is the instabilities and question marks that keep me from entertaining the thought of taking it on the road for an extended tour. I honestly thought by now these issues would be in the past, but I realize Kemper is a small company and I really want to see them succeed. It does baffle me that the Amp/Profiling part can be so great, yet the supporting OS seems so far behind.... In the end, I believe Mr. Kemper is a brilliant man and so is his 'invention', but it looks like the OS has a lot of catching up to do and I hope it is sooner than later.

    PS: Let's hear it again for Andy and his beautiful profiles - I say Kemper needs him!!! 8o

    You wouldn't know the AxeFX's OS is so far ahead. It changes so often I don't see how one could rely on it. I was just at the Fractal forums the other day and read numerous pos†s about version 6 changing the sound of people's presets (sizzle and fizzle), and that seems to have happened with a lot of their updates. That's one thing I couldn't deal with. With the Kemper the sound is "already" there and there's no need to chase the dragon. I see the Kemper as an "amp" first and foremost, and anything else is just gravy. If you wan† a digital effects box, then get the Axe.

  • You wouldn't know the AxeFX's OS is so far ahead. It changes so often I don't see how one could rely on it. I was just at the Fractal forums the other day and read numerous pos†s about version 6 changing the sound of people's presets (sizzle and fizzle), and that seems to have happened with a lot of their updates. That's one thing I couldn't deal with. With the Kemper the sound is "already" there and there's no need to chase the dragon. I see the Kemper as an "amp" first and foremost, and anything else is just gravy. If you wan† a digital effects box, then get the Axe.

    I did! 8o But seriously, I am very happy to own both units and am always pulling for Kemper to be successful & become all it can be. I love it that two great companies with two great minds are competing for our business - this always brings out the best. :thumbup: It is true that most Fractal updates require some tweaking of your presets, but most users think it's worth it, and they always have the option to leave things as they are.

    The fact that you are totally happy with your KPA is truly excellent - I'm the kind of guy who will likely never be totally content with my tone until the next life! 8o

    All modelers known to man 8o

  • Delay Mix, Reverb Mix, Chorus Speed

    All parameters are 14bit NRPNs.

    Delay Mix: #9475
    Reverb Mix: #9603
    Modulation Rate (Slots 1-4, X, MOD): #6420, #6548, #6676, #6804, #7188, #7444
    I will try to create a complete document. If you need something urgent, let me know or better, address Kemper Support.

  • All parameters are 14bit NRPNs.

    Delay Mix: #9475
    Reverb Mix: #9603
    Modulation Rate (Slots 1-4, X, MOD): #6420, #6548, #6676, #6804, #7188, #7444
    I will try to create a complete document. If you need something urgent, let me know or better, address Kemper Support.

    Thank you, Timo.
    I understand PC and CC, but this terminology is new to me, I still have no clue how to program my midi controller (in my case Pod HD 500 at the moment) to send anything of the above.
    It would be great if you could a bit elaborate on this as I'm sure it gets the attention of lots of users.

  • It would be great if you could a bit elaborate on this as I'm sure it gets the attention of lots of users.

    Since the wikipedia articles are pretty orphan, I suggest reading this excellent article:

    Basically it means that (nearly) all parameters are placed in a 14 bit controller space (0-16383) with values of 0 to 16383.
    To access the delay mix parameter, you shall send:

    B0 63 4A (B0) 62 03 (B0) 06 hh (B0) 26 ll

    where hh and ll are the high and low 7 bit values and the B0 in brackets are optional due running status.
    To set the mix to wet:

    B0 63 4A 62 03 06 7F 26 7F


  • The 14bit NRPN interface documentation will be a big step in the right direction. With your complete documentation, a very nice pc rig editor and possibly a rig librarian would be possible like the one made by users for the Roland GR55.

    Most of the floorboard controllers I have used can't send customizable 64 bit binary (16 character hex) strings which is what those codes appear to be. What we really need is a "global MIDI mapping" function in the KPA to assign CC#'s to specific parameters.

    If anyone knows of a midi floorboard that has a configurable 14bit NRPN interface, I'd like to know.



    Edited once, last by musicman65 (May 6, 2012 at 12:25 AM).

  • I've had my Kemper for 3 or 4 weeks now. I have an Axe-FX2 for months now really into it deep and the first time I played the Kemper I was like WOW this Sounds and FEELS like a real amp. I think that was the biggest thing I noticed was the feel. It really took me back because I never expected it and it didn't feel like that with the AXE. Both units have good points and issues but they are headed in the right direction.
    Wouldn't you consider the Kemper in its infancy as far as OS ?(

  • rebellious teenager would be nice.. I love the tone in the Kemper but its certainly lacking effects algorithms or its just adequate.
    Hopefully the updates keep coming. I'm no effects junkie some reverb and delay and other effects for a different feel but its nice to have a selection :sleeping: .