• Hi, I hope I'm submitting this correctly.

    Concerning the Powerhead Tuner section, would an update be possible that, when in tuner mode, the screen, instead of displaying the floating bubble, it would show a large white text on black background reading of the cent status of the tuning. In other words, "0" would be in tune for that string, -1, -2 etc would be flat, and +1, +2 etc would be sharp. A nice large very easy to see white text on black background, with the string name (E, A, D etc) displayed large also. For us players with less than perfect vision.

    Thank you!

    Update: The strobe tuner is perfect, my bad for not knowing it was available.

    It would be great if the string name E,A,D,etc display were larger. I play outdoors (amp in the shade) and it's hard to see the small print.

    Thanks again!

    Edited 2 times, last by exmesaman (March 7, 2020 at 12:29 AM).

  • Hi there.

    Have you tried the other tuner setting ? ( Not the bubble, the other one, "Strobe" )

    No BIG text , but easy to see if you´re flat or sharp, and cents are displayed too :)

    Cheers !

    The adjective for metal is metallic. But not so for iron ... which is ironic.

  • we are all different and want differ things. I have no problem with this request if it is useful for others as long as it isn’t compulsory to use. I personally find even the existing small +/- cents display distracting and annoying. It is much faster and just as accurate to use the strobe display but I cannot stop focusing on the +/- cents even though I know it’s slowing me down.

  • Thanks Hoki Toki! I've been in the dark I guess, didn't know about the strobe option, so I'll give that a try. In bubble mode, I find myself looking at the tiny cent+- display, wishing it were bigger. You're right Wheresthedug, we are all different in what we like to use, and that's the beauty of Kemper!!

  • Agree, we all use stuff in our own way. I use the strobe and my band mate use the bubble.
    Still, as we already today can choose from the two available ones, why not add a third and fourth option to choose from. Could be large easy to read digits with +/-.

    Or why not a poly tune option, showing all 6 string as TC Electronics Polytune or Digitech Hardwire HT6?


    Gibson Les Paul Std Brimstone, Fender American Elite Stratocaster, Gibson Blueshawk, Yamaha APX5, Epiphone 335 Dot
    Kemper Head & Remote, RedSound powered cab, Line6 Relay G10, TC Helicon VoiceLive 3