serious Harmonic problem!

  • I have a complicated Harmonic settings problem and I can’t figure it out.

    I have a song with Harmonic solo parts throughout the song. I can play them them all but for one part. Let me explain:

    The song is in the key of C and therefore I have added a harmonic fx to my profile. I also have set this harmonic fx to the key of C and this is the picture of the settings. It sounds great and exactly as the original.
    But in the end of the song and also at the end of such a solo part, the key changes in this solo part to a D. After this key change again several solo parts follow but then in this key of D. I have managed to change the harmonic fx also to this key of D and also the other solo-parts within this key I can play identical to the original. This is a picture of this key settings to a D:

    The problem is in the tones of the last solo part just before the key change. I can play this harmonic solo all the way in the key of C but then the very last tone is out of tune because that tone is in the key of D.

    If I play this last solopart in the key of D then nothing sounds right, so it has to be played in the key of C, but then the last tone is out of tune.

    And if I play this whole solo in the key of C then also the last tone is out of tune.

    But if I continue playing the rest of the solo parts after this key to D change they sound perfect and again exactly like the original.

    This is an example of how it sounds in the key of C.

    And this is an example of the last solo parts after the change to the key of D.

    And this is the solo part how it should be played. But I have no clue for the harmonic settings for that last tone within that solo. Tapdancing here is out of the question...

    I sincerely hope that someone with knowledge of harmonic pitch settings can tell me how to do this and get it right.

    Edited once, last by theplayer (February 17, 2020 at 7:44 AM).

  • The problem is, you need to play the F sharp in the second voice. There is no option to do this in the key of C (other than going lydian, but that's not the case here). You need the F (natural) in the lines before that.

    Without tapdancing the only possibility is to switch the effect off on the last note. I'm afraid the only thing you can do is to make a second rig in D, which you switch just before the last note. Or, switch to that rig before the last run (with the harmonizer off), and turn the effect on only for the last note. The harmonizer doesn't add much on the fast run, it's all about the harmony on the last note.

    I hope this helps!

  • Hi ReinoutV. I always use a Roland MKII midi foortcontroller and I did allready what I read in your reply.

    Midi assign #1 is for my clean sound during verses. For soloparts I switch to midi assign #2 which has the Harmony in C-key.

    For the last Harmonic solo parts (after the key change to D) I switch tot midi assing #3 with the harmony in D. But as said before, #2 and #3 don't cover the solo with the key change.

    And yes, it's only about the last note in the key change solo part. That's the false harmony note.

    But I really wonder how that is recorded. Seriously not with an extra switch for just one right harmonic note for one moment..right?

    The problem is, you need to play the F sharp in the second voice. There is no option to do this in the key of C (other than going lydian, but that's not the case here). You need the F (natural) in the lines before that.

    I don't understand what you mean here: playing the F# in the lines before the second voice. Is this for the harmonic settings? For what key? No C but also no D. How do you get that high F sharp in the right harmonic tone?

    Ok, I can make a #4 midi assign for pressing that switch at the exact moment when that tone comes but only without harmony.

  • The F# is the third degree on the note D, which is the last note of the 'problem line'. It's not in the key of C (it has a minor third on the second degree of the scale), as are the other notes in this melody. So yes, you have to switch presets, if you want a major third on the D. Or you could morph the preset from C major to D major, but I haven't fiddled around with that.

  • You know your way with scales...I'm unfortunately not. OK, so I can make another midi switch but what do I have to do or to change this setting to get a major third in D: which adjustment are we talking about?

    BTW, as you have noticed, this solo-part at the end is pretty fast... There must be absolutely no latency in sound going from switch #3 to switch #4...if it is already possible to achieve this during the fast part for only one note...!

  • I don't know exactly what you mean, but here's my take on it.

    1. So, the beginning of the song is in C major. That means, that every D that's played need to be harmonized with an F. At the end of the feared melody, the same note D is in a different key (D major) and needs to be harmonized with an F#.

    2. There is deemed to be some latency when switching anything, so you have to make a decision:

    3a. Switch to a different performance (or morph the key?) before the last note of the fast run.

    3b. Switch to a different performance before the run, and engage the harmonizer only on the last note. You can do this a few notes in advance, only after you've played an A (in C major it's harmonized with a C, in D major with a C#), if this is a note that is played in this melody (I can't recall).

    3c. Leave if off ;-).

  • I would try to load up two harmonic pitch shifters within the same rig and toggle between them.

    I'm not sure how toggling can be done via midi right now, but at least it would work with the remote.

    Another way would be to deactivate the pitchshifter on that note on the key change and actually play the interval like a double stop.

  • I would try to load up two harmonic pitch shifters within the same rig and toggle between them.

    I'm not sure how toggling can be done via midi right now, but at least it would work with the remote.

    Another way would be to deactivate the pitchshifter on that note on the key change and actually play the interval like a double stop.

    ReneLangenhan, Here's your answer to your question about toggling via midi. It's allready done! Except for #4 Look at picture .

    On my midi controller I have set 4 midi assigns to my controller.

    #1 is for all verse/rhythm parts (for the key of C as well as for the key of D [just other chords!]]).

    #2 is for all solo parts in the key of C

    #3 is for all solo parts in the key of D

    #4 would be for the key change (but how?)