So if yall follow Neural DSP, im assuming a lot of us tone nerds do. They just dropped the Omega Amp Works Plugin.
I have only known about them from a quick NAMM 2020 Vid of the owner showing off their stuff. I recall i think he came from Peavy...or something?
Anyways I watched the Demo Rabea did and its not very often I hear one chord ring out and immediately turn my attention, But this one certainly did.
I Own the Ola Englund Satan (Natas) Plugin and it deff delivers some goodies.
Well being the Kemper nerd I am, I went to the rig exchange in search of anything I can snag for Freeezy, with no avail.
Ended up doing a Google Search and Alpha actually has a website with Kemper profiles.
So my question is has anyone had any experience with them? They provided one free sample and I have yet to preview it but im at the point where I would end up buying it just from what ive heard on the plugin....
Would be interested in all of your thoughts?