• This is a feature request to add an indicator onto the display window to show when the “Monitor CAB” is turned off in the output section. More than once I had forgot that it was off and spent a few minutes wondering why my tone sucked...

    Another way would be to link the “cabinet” indicator button on the Kemper amp section to the monitor output, so if you turn it off in the output section the indicator light turns off as well, even though the mains still remain active. Pressing the cabinet button would still deactivate the mains/ all cabinet.

  • If the light of the Cabinet Module is lit or not has already its meaning, which is global and affecting all outputs. If this would reflect a global disengagement of the cabinet AND a MONITOR OUTPUT specific one, this could be more confusing.

  • You could always let the USER decide the function of the light. On top of that I personally never shut the cab off for everything. But I do shut the cab off for the monitor out quite a bit. So for me having the cab light linked to the monitor off status makes more sense for how I use it.

    Anyway I would still like an indication on the screen that it is off at least.

    Edited once, last by drog (February 11, 2020 at 4:19 PM).