Poweramp for Kemper and Kabinet.

  • Hello,

    Personnaly i use a Harley Benton GPA-100 (https://m.thomann.de/fr/harley_benton_gpa_100.htm) with a Kone in a Harley Benton G112 Vintage and it work fine to me.

    I don’t have experience with other Class D amplifier but i have no complaint with this one.

    Next step: Full integration in the cab with some hole and screw for a Cheap Powered Benton Kabinet ^^

    I'm thinking about doing almost the same: Powering the Kabinet with the GPA-100. Still, I wonder how the GPA-100 compares to the class-d amp in the Powered Kabinet.

    Stage user

  • I'm thinking about doing almost the same: Powering the Kabinet with the GPA-100. Still, I wonder how the GPA-100 compares to the class-d amp in the Powered Kabinet.

    I have the GPA-100 and use it with a Kone in a re-used Rocktron cabinet. A good combination overall. The cabinet is ported so it gives good push on the lower frequencies.

    The GPA-100 is okay for that. I sometimes wish the Harley Benton stuff would be a bit more expensive and a bit more sturdy as well. I blew up the first one in a few days without even playing it very loud. It took Thomann several weeks to replace it (which they immediately and easily confirmed. Always great customer service there, super happy with them).

    The power from the GPA-100 is okay for medium loud application. My drummer is rather brutal which requires to turn the GPA-100 up almost all the way... not much headroom left then. For bedroom / living room use it is pretty fine. Good to control and delivers uncoloured sound just as desired.

    Hope that helps a bit...

  • The GPA-100 is okay for that. I sometimes wish the Harley Benton stuff would be a bit more expensive and a bit more sturdy as well. I blew up the first one in a few days without even playing it very loud. It took Thomann several weeks to replace it (which they immediately and easily confirmed. Always great customer service there, super happy with them).

    For HB, I think it's rather well-built. I've had mine for several weeks now and yes, with a loud drummer, turning it up past 3 o'clock, while the Stage is hammering with -3dB into it doesn't leave the impression of much headroom left, on my guitar cab. ;)

    Btw. I thought mine had crapped out as well, but it turned out, using Rockboard Flat cables on the input, plugging it all the way in does that. I had to just pull it back a milimeter and everything was fine again.

    Hope that helps a bit...

    It does, thank you so much. :)

    Stage user

  • I'm thinking about doing almost the same: Powering the Kabinet with the GPA-100. Still, I wonder how the GPA-100 compares to the class-d amp in the Powered Kabinet.

    I had mixed results with HB electronics before, I dont have the GPA-100, but if something comes to my mind, HB products are a good bang for the buck, and not really road worthy, good at home and maybe practice.

    Right now I am rocking a BAM200 with a 212 with kones, working wornderful so far. I also had the PS170 but sold it, and still hace a 125ASX2 icepower amp I assembled. If anything, the BAM when configured flat, sounds almost the same as my icepower amp, just a tad more full and less brittle (more harmonics and less treble) which is fine for my liking.

    The answer is 42

  • Right now I am rocking a BAM200 with a 212 with kones, working wornderful so far. I also had the PS170 but sold it, and still hace a 125ASX2 icepower amp I assembled. If anything, the BAM when configured flat, sounds almost the same as my icepower amp, just a tad more full and less brittle (more harmonics and less treble) which is fine for my liking.

    That is a very valuable information, as I considered ordering the icepower module and assemble it myself. But actually, that's the last thing I'd like to do, if there are better, ready-made alternatives. Especially as one is dealing with mains power here. :/

    Stage user

  • That is a very valuable information, as I considered ordering the icepower module and assemble it myself. But actually, that's the last thing I'd like to do, if there are better, ready-made alternatives. Especially as one is dealing with mains power here. :/

    I have electronics instruction and technical experience, for me it was pretty easy to do, but you should consider the configuration for bridged mode changes a bit. If you have almost not knowledge, it is better to let someone else do it for you or just buy something integrated. For the record, the powerstage 170 is a 50ASX2 module bridged version with a fan, a unbalanced to balanced converted, and a small tone stack, in a very sturdy and nice case. Yes, it cost 3 or 4 times the module (if you can get it, they are scarse) but it is worth it if you really want a solid solution. BTW the power stage 200 sounds really nice too.

    Mi options in no real order:

    PS 170 (you might find one used by now)

    PS 200 (Most likely new but nice feature upgrades from the 170)

    BAM200 (lower treble and bass a bit and crank mid 3/4 of the way and sounds like a PS170, it is for bass but just the tone stack)

    Hotone Loudster (small and reliable, on the lower power side, so more for small gigs and rehearsal)

    EH Magnum 44 (Again small and reliable, but also in the lower power side and a bit more expensive than the hotone)

    That is what I can recommend. Any question and I would be glad to comply.

    The answer is 42

  • turning it up past 3 o'clock, while the Stage is hammering with -3dB into it doesn't leave the impression of much headroom left, on my guitar cab. ;)

    Yes. indeed. And I'd say it is similar with the Kone. Not much difference compared to a reasonable good guitar speaker.

    I had mixed results with HB electronics before, I dont have the GPA-100, but if something comes to my mind, HB products are a good bang for the buck, and not really road worthy, good at home and maybe practice.

    Bang for the buck indeed. And the concept of the GPA-100 is great. No separate power supply necessary. All built in. I like how compact it is.

  • I have electronics instruction and technical experience, for me it was pretty easy to do, but you should consider the configuration for bridged mode changes a bit. If you have almost not knowledge, it is better to let someone else do it for you or just buy something integrated.

    Yeah, I do have technical experience and understanding. I could even assemble and make it safe according to current standards. The issue is: I don't have a degree in that field and if my cab starts burning for whatever reason, insurance will deny paying for it. Don't wanna risk anything there. :) But thanks for your opinion on different alternatives. The PS170 really looks like an option, but buying that new plus a Kabinet or even just the Kone takes me close to the price of the Powered Kabinet, making it an option again. It's not easy to come to a decision. :D

    Stage user

  • Yeah, I do have technical experience and understanding. I could even assemble and make it safe according to current standards. The issue is: I don't have a degree in that field and if my cab starts burning for whatever reason, insurance will deny paying for it. Don't wanna risk anything there. :) But thanks for your opinion on different alternatives. The PS170 really looks like an option, but buying that new plus a Kabinet or even just the Kone takes me close to the price of the Powered Kabinet, making it an option again. It's not easy to come to a decision. :D

    Allow me to add that while the kone is quite impressive, there is a mojo to having a wall of cabs in your studio to choose from, if anything, the kones feel different than peak performance greenbacks bringing it on, the imprint goes close (not my favorite imprint) but the GBs feel better, more spl (air moved) and more focused. I also want a powered kabinet, but I like the tighter bass of 212s, thats why I normally play one with kones on it. I would say it is the same if you are more into 412, the powercab will sound sterile or tiny. Just things to consider if you decide on going for the the whole package or get everything separated.

    The answer is 42

  • I'm used to my Friedman Smallbox 50 through a 1x12" open back. Anything else is too big for my flat, car (got a huge dog crate in my trunk), rehearsal room, etc. So the Kabinet's form factor is very attractive. ;) But my tendency goes more and more towards getting all the components and be a bit more flexible that way.

    Stage user

  • I'm used to my Friedman Smallbox 50 through a 1x12" open back. Anything else is too big for my flat, car (got a huge dog crate in my trunk), rehearsal room, etc. So the Kabinet's form factor is very attractive. ;) But my tendency goes more and more towards getting all the components and be a bit more flexible that way.

    I am a lego mind guy, so having the oportunity to make anything and everything modular is a big plus for me. Really you cant go wrong with any option.

    The answer is 42