Kone & Kabinet Q&A

  • Is the fizz on any other profiles? I don;t eq any fizz or artifacts out of anything - not necessary...which suggests there is another problem.

    Do you get the same issue with Headphones?

    I haven't tried any of the speaker imprints beyond the V30, the Greenback and the Creamback... and it's present on all three. I use In-Ears for one of my bands and the sound is awesome... no fizz at all. The fizz is only present in my cab with Kones

  • Does the sound change noticeably when you select different imprints? I was literally playing that M Britt profile through Kones with V30 imprints 30 minutes ago, no fizz

    The sound changes subtly when switching between imprints. There's not too much difference between the Celestions, but there is a noteworthy change when switching to Jenson's or the EV.

  • Hey Gang: I could use your help too. Here's my gigging rig setup:

    LP > Kemper Stage [MBritt 68 Marshall] > mon. out to SD Powerstage 700 > two Kemper Kones in stereo.

    FOH gets the sound straight from the Stage. I have my monitor out set to Cab Off, Kones On, Imprint as a Greenback, and directivity at 2.3. I also notice an ever-present fizzy high end. It's far more noticable when I'm gunning it for Classic Rock stuff, but it's still a little present when the guitar volume is rolled back. I also notice it when I'm just running the MBritt speaker that's in the profile. I have the monitor EQ set flat.

    This fizzy thing seems to be an issue i'm seeing on this thread, though I confess i've not read all 93 pages :). What solutions have you worked up? Also, is it just inherent in the speaker? maybe i'm just not jiving with the Kones?

    I have a similar setup but with a PA monitor instead of the the Kone. I also notice the fizz on the britt profile. I dial back the presence and slightly the treble. I also use the hi cut down around 6kHz. This gets rid of the fizz on my end.

  • UPDATE: I just spent about an hour in my tracking room with the rig and a KSM32 at ear level just in front of me. Here’s what I found…continued fizz.

    Then…when I went to the output section, I noticed my monitor output was at -1.5. When I sat on the floor to start playing with the eq, I brought down the monitor output volume to save my ears and I noticed the fizz went away. So, I thought…hmm. If I bring the volume up on the power amp, will it get fizzy again? NO! It didn’t! So…I think my issue here is that I’m overdriving the inputs on the Seymour Duncan Powerstage.

    So, I think I’ve solved it!

  • UPDATE: I just spent about an hour in my tracking room with the rig and a KSM32 at ear level just in front of me. Here’s what I found…continued fizz.

    Then…when I went to the output section, I noticed my monitor output was at -1.5. When I sat on the floor to start playing with the eq, I brought down the monitor output volume to save my ears and I noticed the fizz went away. So, I thought…hmm. If I bring the volume up on the power amp, will it get fizzy again? NO! It didn’t! So…I think my issue here is that I’m overdriving the inputs on the Seymour Duncan Powerstage.

    So, I think I’ve solved it!

    Nice! I also have the SD PS 700 .

    Also don't need the additional "Power amp boost" in the output section of the Kemper.

  • UPDATE: I just spent about an hour in my tracking room with the rig and a KSM32 at ear level just in front of me. Here’s what I found…continued fizz.

    Then…when I went to the output section, I noticed my monitor output was at -1.5. When I sat on the floor to start playing with the eq, I brought down the monitor output volume to save my ears and I noticed the fizz went away. So, I thought…hmm. If I bring the volume up on the power amp, will it get fizzy again? NO! It didn’t! So…I think my issue here is that I’m overdriving the inputs on the Seymour Duncan Powerstage.

    So, I think I’ve solved it!

    I just picked up an SD170 and an unpowered Kab which should arrive soon. I had this exact question about monitor out and amp boost levels so I can minimize setup time and maximize the play time. Thank you for the first hand info!

  • This is awesome. Did you ever get a chance to A/B test it with a Kabinet? Also curious how the volume is with two kones!

    I kinda want to build a 2x12 myself or buy and empty one and fill it with two kones, just worried it might not turn out so great, or that the wood could color things in a way that was not originally intended