Kone & Kabinet Q&A

  • - Yes

    - No

    - A speaker manufacturer told me once, that speakers truly need a break-in phase, to stretchen the moving parts and the glue. But that requires only some deep notes at some higher excursion for a minute or two only. No big deal.

    - 1x12 €150.- 2x12 € 270.- 4x12 € 480.-

    - Not planned.

    - (Hope I got your question right)

    I did, and doing that revealed a significant innovation for guitarists: You can switch between the mic‘ed sound and the amp-in-the-room sound (imprint) with one switch only, while the sound comes from the very same source and direction (the Kone) !

    And as expected there are the typical differences between the mic‘ed cab and the amp-in-the-room sound, and they are significant. Interesting enough, this is another proof of concept for the PureCabinet control, which is truly moving the mic‘ed sound towards the smooth character of the real speaker.

  • - Maybe I didn‘t get the question. Speaker imprints are not IRs in a regular fashion. They cannot be loaded or saved, only selected.

    Let me try to restate the question. Can we have a Jensen speaker imprint associated with a Fender Twin rig and a Celestion speaker imprint associated with a Marshall Plexi rig, so that the Kemper will automatically switch imprints when switching rigs?


    This electric phase ain't no teenage craze -UFO

  • Let me try to restate the question. Can we have a Jensen speaker imprint associated with a Fender Twin rig and a Celestion speaker imprint associated with a Marshall Plexi rig, so that the Kemper will automatically switch imprints when switching rigs?


    I think this is a feature request to automatically combine particular amps with particular imprints. Seems complex to be achieved with no real benefit to me.

    • A signal on the Aux Input fed to the Monitor Output by using the AuxToMonitor control will be processed by the Kemper Kone intelligence as well. It will always processed in the full range mode, even when you play your rigs in speaker imprint mode (MonitorCabOff active).

    • So, can we use kemper Cabinet as a "Tradicional guitar cab" and as a mix monitor like a wedge at the same time using the AuxToMonitor feded by the FOH "mix cable"? Two in One?

    Will the cabinet reproducing the kemper sound with the imprints and the FOH personal mix like an FR monitor wedge at the same time?

    Yesss !!!

    And I like that feature very much. Was not possible before.

  • I think this is a feature request to automatically combine particular amps with particular imprints. Seems complex to be achieved with no real benefit to me.

    No, not automatically. Based on the rig author's setting, to be stored with the rig. It seems like a basic requirement, but I suppose it's possible that it doesn't work that way....hence the question.

    This electric phase ain't no teenage craze -UFO

  • I wonder if I can benefit from recording using a given profile on a Kone ?

    I'd like to benefit from the amp in the room feel with a Kone cab for inspiration , while being able to record the whole chain in my DAW without miking the Kone ???

    How coud I do this ? Should I use a parallel output path with a classic CAB path , but wouldn't the recorded sound be different than what I hear from the Kone ?? Would the imprint apply to DAW out ?


    The Kone is not really tailored for micing it, even though we got satisfying results when placing the microphone not too close.

    However, by micing the Kone, you would loose the magic of the speaker anyway, as you would with any other guitar speaker.

    On the other hands, the imprints do not translate well to general purpose speakers or recordings. Thus they are not available on the main outs.

    The amp in the room feel is there for your own pleasure :)

  • For those of us with a Kemper Stage, will there be a powered Kemper Kabinet available in the future? Or should we just go Stage -> external power amp -> Kemper Kab?

    Edit: OR do you recommend getting the Kemper Kone and replacing the existing speaker in, say, my Tech21 Power Engine Deuce Deluxe?

    Thanks! Looking forward to hearing good reviews!

    A powered Kabinet is in the works.

    All three proposed ways are feasible.

  • Still trying to digest this so sorry if its a stupid/obvious question...

    Will speaker imprints be sent via the main outs? If not, does this mean that the Kone "only" give benefit to amp in the room/monitor?

    That also means the sound will be different for your monitor to FOH ?

    Yes and yes.

    The Kone does not solve the conflict, that speakers-in-the-room make the favorable sound, while close-mic‘ed speakers are the way to go for FOH and recordings.

  • Dear CKemper,

    I noticed that the Imprint option is ATM available at the Monitor Output only.
    It seems to me this leaves out all those who use a stereo poweramp (be it retrofitted or external) with their Racks and Toasters?

    Probably, the Imprint function should be made available at the Main Outs as well, when the Cabinet section is switched off?

    Thanks :)

    Monitor Out is stereo by option, as some mentioned here already.

    For every major software update, we complete our „Addendum Manual“, where the added features are described in a manual-like, chronologic fashion, for all long-time users of the Profiler, that do not want to re-read the updated manuals over and over.

    I recommend everyone to check the Addendum Manual for „lost features“.

  • Can the kemper kab/kone also handle bass (profiles)?

    Yes, it can.

    However, as the Kabinet is made like a classic guitar cabinet using a grill cloth, it will not perform satisfying well at high volumes, as the cloth will make some additional noise. A cabinet with a dedicated metal grill would be favorable in that case. Or a 4x12, where the moving air is distributed to four speakers.

  • This is the most critical question for me. If stored with the rig, you could change to an appropriate imprint for the current rig in your performance (or flat if it's for acoustic). If global, what's the point?

    Now I got the question :)

    Yes, we have plans for a per-rig setting.

    We are still asking ourself, if that setting should be stored in the Rig data or in the Cabinet Module (!).

  • Is the F12 X200 cmpl different to the KEMPER KONE, means it will do massive diff sounds

    when used with the imprints, asking cause you said in the andertons interview that celestion released a 2 way speaker which was

    about the same as the kone in some ways

    Edited once, last by digbob (January 23, 2020 at 1:28 AM).

  • Have you blown a Kone with the powered Kemper? I would want to use it in full band situation during practice. Would I have to get two to be loud enough for metal and to help take the wattage of the powered Kemper?

    Yes, I blew two Kones in the past.

    But this was not playing an instrument, but playing back very deep sine waves accidently while making tests.

    Since you will hardly blow a regular guitar speaker at usual volumes, you will not blow the cone at even higher volumes.

    Bass guitar might be a difference. Here you should stack 2 or 4 Kones.

  • They will be available at our online store of course! Will be listed when available.

    The Kone will be available on our store only.

    The Kone is a modification of the K12H-200, where we have redesigned the inner wizzer cone down to a smaller size, to achieve a different dispersion pattern for the high frequencies.

    The Kone / Kabinet and the adjaced digital part in the Profiler perfectly match. You cannot run another speaker (including the K12H-200) with it, as it would result in a reasonably different frequency responce.

    Thanks CK!!! You rock!!!

    The older I get, the better I was.