• Speaking in the last days to friends of mine interestingly no one cares..

    I mean neither about "latest Kemper upgrades" nor about the quad cortex or any other upgrade of what ever gear.

    Everyone I know with a kemper has "settled" and none does sound like he wants to go on another "digital gear finding adventure"..interesting..exhaustion where ever you look..:pinch:..or call it laziness..

    If the quad cortex does produce "much better" captures than the kemper does profiles..AND (additionally) it has "significantly better models" than the fractals..it will be a winner.

    Everything else might conclude in a (financial) disaster because not many people will give attention.Guitar players are not synth-guys..

    We will see if the market is saturated.I guess very soon.

  • As long as people try to find the tone in their head, there will be interest. Take a look at all of the software plug ins for modeling. It is endless. That's where Kemper began and for those that are successful, the demand for like hardware follows. The QC is simply Neural's response for the fact that their plug ins are very popular. They shot the lights out with Plini and Nolly.

  • IMO people are willing to get a modeler.But a lot of potentially interested guitar players are also interested to "create new sounds with a digital tool" they can't create with their big and small tube rigs.I am not talking only about myself.I know so many other folks who would be interested as well.With no midi or whatever extra thingy you would have to place on your precious guitar.Just plug into a modeler,choose your rig and then mix it with a completely different sound from the synth section of the same modeler.

    Interestingly no developer cares about this.

    It is the same all over again..just x2(axefx2) then x4(quad cortex) and soon for sure x1000..anyway..


  • L

    IMO people are willing to get a modeler.But a lot of potentially interested guitar players are also interested to "create new sounds with a digital tool" they can't create with their big and small tube rigs.I am not talking only about myself.I know so many other folks who would be interested as well.With no midi or whatever extra thingy you would have to place on your precious guitar.Just plug into a modeler,choose your rig and then mix it with a completely different sound from the synth section of the same modeler.

    Interestingly no developer cares about this.

    It is the same all over again..just x2(axefx2) then x4(quad cortex) and soon for sure x1000..anyway..


    Have you heard about Boss guitar synths? They are very popular.

  • Roland/Boss has been doing it forever. Jam Origin has audio to midi which is pretty good with no need to use a midi attachment. Fractals stuff is pretty good. The difficulty for guitar has always been related to tracking when trying to not have a midi module. Pick scrapes, hammer ons, bends, slides, rakes, aggressive picking, palm mutes, all present different attacks. Anyway, the new Fractal code works pretty well. For the roland stuff, I found the roland midi to be good for tracking using soft sounds like Native Instruments. I didn't understand the x1000 comment. If you are talking about cores, the axefx3 has 16 cores.

  • So all you want is modelers which can do a gazillion amps at once with even more od-pedals in each signal chain?

    Is this it?


    What is new technology in music good for if you can't create something "new" with it?I don't know.. maybe this is a stupid question?For sure it is totally OT.Sorry for this.But seriously...

    Edited once, last by Nikos (February 3, 2021 at 7:41 PM).

  • wow, that takes me back. I used to have an Ibanez X-ing Midi guitar in the early 90’s. The ability to create total non guitar like sounds was fantastic but like most of the early midi guitars the tracking was a bit hit or miss. The new developments like Jam Origin and Triple Play etc are exciting but I would definitely like the option to create synth like non modi sounds within a device like the Kemper.

    I agree with Nikos the future of guitar tech must be to go beyond replicating existing valve amps and create something original.

  • Me? I have an FM3, a Kemper and a Helix. why? I'm a gear head. I like them all for different reasons but if there was one device that did it all better than the others then I would just use one.

    wow, that takes me back. I used to have an Ibanez X-ing Midi guitar in the early 90’s. The ability to create total non guitar like sounds was fantastic but like most of the early midi guitars the tracking was a bit hit or miss. The new developments like Jam Origin and Triple Play etc are exciting but I would definitely like the option to create synth like non modi sounds within a device like the Kemper.

    I agree with Nikos the future of guitar tech must be to go beyond replicating existing valve amps and create something original.

    That's what Fractal does very well. Helix has it too. Glenn DeLaune has a patch for organ you can check out. The recent Boss SY-1 was a real advancement

  • Some time ago a metal shredder in the town I live (which has indeed some top class harmonic minor maniacs) ridiculed me for my guitar synth tryouts.. until I handed him my strat with the triple play system and a really good violin sound mixed together with a splawn nitro lead..well..he does not laugh anymore..that is for sure..a wet dream for all wannabe Yngwies..

    This is just a stupid anecdote. Nevertheless this issue is not only for "avantgarde"/fusion..you can do really nice stuff with this in all music styles.Wild,good sounding stuff.

    But to do this (and I tried this live) you have to manage in reality two instruments.I can't put the TP without problems into the loop of the kemper.I need a mixer.And a laptop ofcourse.Two completely different sounds need much more work for volume handling..

    I really believe that the next digital guitar sim should be a huge step into this universe.But my hopes are fading.Anyway.

  • the latest fwiw. a little nit picky for the first iteration OS but at least the things that he has seen as oversights are now public.

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    Edited once, last by dean701 (February 3, 2021 at 8:56 PM).

  • the latest fwiw. a little nit picky for the first iteration OS but at least the things that he has seen as oversights are now public.

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    Seriously? Clicking / static sounds when changing scenes? I'm sorry, but for live use the Pod XT Live still wins (joking/not joking). That's just unusable

  • I'm not a Kemper (or any brand) fanboy, and I would switch in a heartbeat if I heard something sounding better, or something being able to capture things in certain amps/combinations/settings that the Kemper still can't.

    I don't hear it though. I hear yer regular simulation unit (with a very nice interface!). And I see some serious Fractal-style hyping up front 8)

  • Seriously? Clicking / static sounds when changing scenes? I'm sorry, but for live use the Pod XT Live still wins (joking/not joking). That's just unusable

    Once again, it's stuff that can be worked out in software. Button functions can change, the GUI can change. It's only the hardware that stays. As an example the Helix just came out with true preset spillover, meaning there is no delay at all when changing presets. Others will follow.

    Edited once, last by dean701 (February 3, 2021 at 9:26 PM).