Do you still use outboard pedals?

  • I have a pretty good vintage pedal collection . MXR script, block, MXR 117 , Tubescreamers, Big chip DD2, old vox pedals etc. The only time I plug them into the Kemper is to remind me that I can get the same thing in my Kemper with less nose and then put them back on the shelf. As far as stuff like a squeegetron FX or gobblegizmo envelope filter that you would use for 1 part in one song, I never wanted to spend money on pedals that I knew I would end up getting rid of for a loss.

  • I like having fx on tap in the Kemper. I can't recall any that I would consider unusable, and many of them are quite good.

    That said, there are still some pedals that I prefer for their specific sound or functionality, like some of my delays or my MF-102. Those will be integrated as needed. Fuzzes can be finicky beasts, and I'd imagine some work better with the Kemper than others do. That's true for any amp/fuzz combo, though, so I don't necessarily consider it a drawback.

  • So, it’s like that cliché: “there are two kinds of people….” When I had the Fractal AX8 and loved its tones… but every time I went to a music store and passed those display cases of all those shiny, colorful pedals… I got jealous and felt I was missing something—that whole experience. So, now I have a hybrid approach. Which costs money, but I think it’s the best of both worlds.

    I totally get your points and they are very honest/self aware and I think drives GAS. I equate it to - I recently bought an RC car and I send as much time fixing/upgrading as I do driving it...because that is part of the fun.

    I've never had that with pedals, and used to have this with amps to some degree.

    I'm lucky in that I've stopped tone hunting ( in actual fact I've reduced, not fully stopped).

    Just recently watched a George Lynch vid where he goes through his amp collection. 2 things struck me:

    1) I started to get a bit of "ohh I wonder what that amp is like" to the point of I looked on Ebay, albeit with no real intention of buying

    2) He said every amp was great and whilst I accept different amps for different uses, so many seemed "amazing" for a similar why did he have all of them? GAS/tone hunting....and I realised that I'm glad I don't have that as much but as per my point one, we can all be tempted :)

  • I did the same thing you did! And like us, He had some of his amps because someone else used one too! I was kinda surprised, there were only a couple I would like to own. I'm happy with a Kemper and a couple vintage tube amps to remind me why I bought a Kemper when I start getting GAS. For quite some time the KPA has been an effective antacid when it strikes.

  • I'm also happy that my GAS about amps and pedals is fully gone thanks to Kemper... I even like the tube screemer in the Kemper better than I ever liked it in real ?(

    and the soft shaper - not sure if there is a pedal like this - is one of my favorites!

    But... GAS for guitars, acoustics and electrics is still a struggle ;)

    never thought that I would like the Kemper that much...! 8|

  • There is one stomp I use actually right before my kemper input.

    The Schaffer Replica.

    It works perfectly to get the real AC/DC Sound. Although there is some noise going on it still feels like using it with an amp.
    For all other Rigs I turn it out because it has true bypass.