My best Marshall profiles so far

  • ... A certain popular Morgan profile is also tweaked.

    Exactly^^ Heavy tweaked, loud and fx... but the core sound seems quite good on this one too.

    Certain sellers have their "routine" tweaking - more or less :) For example if you like how the Tone Junkie profiles respond you can look at their sagging, compressor, clarity... settings and try them on your own/other profiles.

  • Check out A/M Audio, their freebies are great, I think theres some Marshall and EVH. My favorite thing is the cab they use on most of their profiles is my favorite cab, I save that cab and use it on almost all my Mbritt, Tone Junkie, Top Jimi etc profiles and it brings them to life, I dont how they mikes it buts awesome!! Makes the thin or dark profiles sound big and meaty.

    owenmatt the cab is the 1960 4x12 cabinet loaded with Celestion GT75?

    stop worrying about what's "best" - just pick the thing that works for you

  • My favourites so far were Top Jimi's because they have that "character" I like, but there is always something missing. Sometimes they sound thin, if I increase mids to "fatten" them up they get that "wah" sound,

    I've noticed Top Jimi's gain profiles (at least the ones I have) have the definition dimed and the clarity at zero. To me, that gives a super tight tone but can get a little bright and nasally in the mids. I like to drop the definition to 7-8 and bring the clarity to 4-5. This fills out the low end a little, removes some honk but leaves the pick attack be.

    I have the Brown Sound & JJ-100 packs.

  • Katzbach knows how to mic an amp.

    I downloaded the 5 free profiles and they are all good.

    I removed all the effects, EQs and left the amp and cab only.

    It's dry yet still very 3D.

    In my book this is a sign of a well miced cab.

    With a well miced cab I can do anything I want to, add my favorite effect... or not.... and it will sit in any mix no mater what.

    The current freebie A/M IR is great too, thank you all for the info!

  • I just downloaded those Katzbach profiles as well. The SL-X is fun.

  • I've noticed Top Jimi's gain profiles (at least the ones I have) have the definition dimed and the clarity at zero. To me, that gives a super tight tone but can get a little bright and nasally in the mids. I like to drop the definition to 7-8 and bring the clarity to 4-5. This fills out the low end a little, removes some honk but leaves the pick attack be.

    I have the Brown Sound & JJ-100 packs.

    I have tried to reduce definition but they still sound...weird. In a mix they sound cool sometimes though.

    For anyone interested, here is a vid I made with the Katzbach Jcm 900. Really love this tone (and sorry for the playing lol)

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  • I have tried to reduce definition but they still sound...weird. In a mix they sound cool sometimes though.

    For anyone interested, here is a vid I made with the Katzbach Jcm 900. Really love this tone (and sorry for the playing lol)

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    sound fantastic bro!!what profile did you use from the pack?

    stop worrying about what's "best" - just pick the thing that works for you

  • I have tried to reduce definition but they still sound...weird. In a mix they sound cool sometimes though.

    For anyone interested, here is a vid I made with the Katzbach Jcm 900. Really love this tone (and sorry for the playing lol)

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    JimmyK where did you get the backing track you're using here? Do you have a link?


    Kemper toaster >Kemper remote> 2 x Alto TS310 powered speakers Furman M-8XAR

  • JimmyK where did you get the backing track you're using here? Do you have a link?


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  • sure!

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    Thank you!


    Kemper toaster >Kemper remote> 2 x Alto TS310 powered speakers Furman M-8XAR