The Kemper Foot Controller: A Proposal

  • Yeah having possibilities can never be a bad thing if you know how to implement them, i understand that CK want the KPA and controler to be simple to use, but by choosing to go that route you may loose half or so of your customerbase who wants more possibilities, i may be one of those myself since i dont yet own a KPA.

    My suggestion for both the KPA and the controller is to have a choice of either running it in a simple standard (default) mode or an advanced mode, or you can have some advanced menues that you dont have to use unless you want to assign other midi CC# /switches of the controller than the default ones or things like that with a possibility to easily go back to stored default settings in case you are in over your head.

    Kind of strange to base your decision to purchase on whether or not the floorboard can be generically implemented. Since even now you can purchase a variety of generic programmable controllers to work with the KPA.

  • Kind of strange to base your decision to purchase on whether or not the floorboard can be generically implemented. Since even now you can purchase a variety of generic programmable controllers to work with the KPA.

    You misunderstood me there, i ment the lack of flexibility to for example make advanced settings for CC# assigns in the KPA and such would be likely to turn me off from the KPA.

    Using a dedicated controller is certainly not a must for me, but i would like to have the functions that a only a dedicated controller can bring today such a two way communication with patch names in the display, frankly its beyond me why a standard for this hasnt been developed.

  • Hi,

    I would need something like a "KPA - Ground Control Pro".

    - Bottom 4 switches to change rigs (clean, crunch, drive, lead) + Tap
    - 8 IAs buttons to switch on/off the fx-slots
    - Bank up/down (switching bank or setlist)
    - a mute-switch (tuner)
    - and a big display

    That would be a great great great deal for x-mas!


    ?( ...why not going with the GCP or the Rocktron Midi Raider? they do exactly what you're looking for...

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Hi Christopher and forum

    I have an (for me important) idea about the planned pedalboard. Rigth now we have in the bottom the rigs and in the top 4 effects.

    It would be great if I could specify in the bottom bar, if I
    a) want to activate a rig (iniklusive effects), or
    b) "only" want to change the stack section.

    Here I have the following live scenario in mind: I play a clean sound. Then activate an effect (for example, a chorus) and I realize now that the clean sound might have a little more drive. Now: I need to change my stack to the stack "more drive". But I need my chosen effects remain active! At the moment my "drive-rig" would not "know" that I have chosen spontaneously an added effect.

    This means that I can not spontaneously work with effects live. I must determine beforehand exactly what is on in which rig - and then keep me on this setup.

    One solution would be quite simple (the idea ... the technical side I cant see unfortunately): I can switch on the buttom bar rigs and/or stacks (clean, chrunch, drive and lead) and on the top bar my effects (perfectly all 8 slots). Such a "wiring" would be like a classic pedalboard-amp-solution - I have. My effects pedals and A/B switcher for my amp(s).

    That way I can switch my stacks AND regulate/keep my effects. Each bank would be my rig for a song ... with all the possibilities to adjust my sound spontaneous live.

    I hope you get the idea ?! :sleeping:


    Hi Christoph und Forum,

    ich habe noch eine Idee zum geplanten Fußtreter. In der unteren Leiste kann ich die Rigs umschalten. In der oberen werden die Effekte des Rigs aktiviert.

    Es wäre toll, wenn ich bei der unteren Leiste festlegen könnte, ob ich
    a) ein komplett neues Rig (iniklusive Effekte) aktivieren möchte, oder
    b) 'nur' die Stack-Sektion ändern möchte.

    Dabei habe ich folgendes klssisches Live-Szenario vor Augen: Ich spiele einen cleanen Sound. Aktiviere dann einen
    Effekt (beispielsweise einen Chorus) und merke nun,
    dass der Clean-Sound etwas mehr drive haben könnte. Gut wäre nun, wenn ich zu meinem Stack mit mehr "drive" wechseln könnte, die von mir gewählten Effekte aber aktiviert bleiben. Denn derzeit würde ja mein "drive-Rig" nicht "wissen", dass ich spontan einen zusätzlichen Effekt gewählt habe. Das bedeutet, dass ich "live" nicht mehr spontan mit Effekten arbeiten kann, sondern vorher genau festlegen muss, was in welchem Rig aktiviert ist - und mich dann auch an dieses Setup halten.

    Eine Lösung wäre ganz einfach (jedendfalls von der Idee ... die technische Seite kann ich leider nicht beurteilen): Ich lege mir auf die untere Leiste verschiedene Stacks (clean, chrunch, drive und lead) und habe auf der oberen Leiste meine Effekte (optimal wäre natürlich ein Zugriff auf alle 8 Slots). Eine solche "Verkabelung" käme einer klassischen Fußtreter-Lösung mit Amp gleich. Ich habe meine Effektpedale und einen A/B-Switcher für den/die Amp(s).

    Jetzt kann ich meine Stacks umschalten UND meine Effekte regeln. Jede Bank wäre dann quasi mein Rig für den jeweiligen Song ... mit allen möglichkeiten live meinen Sound spontan anzupassen.

    Ich hoffe, ich konnte mich halbwegs verständlich ausdrücken ;)


  • yes, i know it's probably never going to be built. :( give up let it go and move on ( not important apparently)

    This is exactly what "trolling" means.
    How log did other companies to make a dedicated FC?

    We all are waiting for the FC and the fully functionality of the KPA, but we enjoy playing and not complaining.

  • This is exactly what "trolling" means.
    How log did other companies to make a dedicated FC?

    We all are waiting for the FC and the fully functionality of the KPA, but we enjoy playing and not complaining.

    +1, really nonsense... :thumbdown:

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff