Lock function

  • I want to use the same EQ for every rig.

    So, I locked the EQ section of my stack in the first performance (first slot).

    But when i go to another performance or slot, the EQ changes. It isn't locked.

    I think it is since the last update ? (public beta

    Can somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong?

    Edited once, last by TimEkkelboom (December 10, 2019 at 8:51 PM).

  • The EQ is now part of the Amp block rather than a stand alone section so I imagine that’s the reason.

    However, I don’t understand why you want to use the same EQ with every profile as a leach profile starts from a different place so almost certainly requires different EQ. What are you trying to achieve in this scenario as there may be an alternative way to do it.

  • OK. I understand but even this tends to vary from room to room.

    You have 3 ways of achieving the required result already that don't need to lock the Amp EQ section.

    1- if you are using a decent PA (and sound engineer) then the best way to deal with making a guitar sit in the mix is to leave FOH EQ to the desk. If this in't an option.....

    2 - Insert a Studio EQ or GEQ in one of the FX Slots and lock this. Downside is that you tie up an FX slot which you might want to use for something else. In which case....

    3 - Go in to the output menu and tweak the Global EQ for the Main Output. As this is global it is automatically locked so you don't need to lock it manually.