Rig Manager 3.0 Beta Release Discussion Thread

  • Not sure if this has been brought up yet but if I create and save a new profile of my amp with RM 3 open, the new profile does not appear in Rig Manager. I have to close and reopen it each time for the profile list to refresh. Never experienced this in the previous version. Anyone else notice this or is it just me?


  • Hi All, I just purchased a Kemper Stage, updated the software to 7.1.5 and downloaded Rig Manager. Rig Manager is telling me I need at least software version 7.1.6 to use it, but on the Kemper site the latest software I see to download is 7.1.5.

    Can anyone point me to where I can find 7.1.6 or 7.1.8? Right now Rig Manager is just telling me I need to update my Kemper and so they are not communicating.

  • Hi All, I just purchased a Kemper Stage, updated the software to 7.1.5 and downloaded Rig Manager. Rig Manager is telling me I need at least software version 7.1.6 to use it, but on the Kemper site the latest software I see to download is 7.1.5.

    Can anyone point me to where I can find 7.1.6 or 7.1.8? Right now Rig Manager is just telling me I need to update my Kemper and so they are not communicating.

    7.16 is a beta OS and designed to be used with RM3 (the editor). 7.18 is the latest beta OS. If you do not want to use beta OS versions you need to use Rig manager version 2.3.14

  • I've just noticed that I cannot copy all of my rigs to the Kemper from RM 3 when they are divided into different folders within the software. Each individual folder must be copied one by one rather than all the subdirectories of a folder copying at once. That is provided RM doesn't crash while trying.

    I've also noticed that nothing copies to a USB stick from RM 3. The software says that the files have copied but they definitely aren't on there and following a removal and replacement of the USB stick they aren't listed in RM either.

    These seem like huge issues which I would have thought would be picked up prior to public beta testing. Am I missing something here? Does the USB stick need to be formatted differently with the latest OS?