Freeze effect on the Stage

  • I have seen a few posts about the Freeze effect but none seem to address my question. Can’t seem to find instructions in the manual either. How do I assign “freeze” to a stomp to create a PAD? I see the soft button and can toggle this on and off with this button but can’t seem to assign this to stomp switches.

    Sorry if this is redundant, in the wrong section, or is generally just a noob question.

    New to the Kemper world and new to the forum format.


  • Assigning an Effect Module

    Assigning switching functions to the Effect Buttons is simple: just press and hold an Effect Button on the Remote for example Effect Button IIII and press the desired module button, e.g. Module D, on the front panel of the PROFILER at the same time. Done! In your press the freeze soft button.

  • Main Manual:

    ¨   Freeze

    "Freeze" is an Action & Freeze function, which turns the delay into an endless loop. The delay track will be repeated without losing or gaining level, and without sound degradation. The input of the delay is cut, so no further signal is added to the delay, allowing you to play along to the loop.

    ¨   Infinity

    When you activate "Infinity", another Action & Freeze function, Feedback will be switched from the regular value (between 0 and 100%) to the Infinity feedback value that spans from 100% to 200% and is separately controllable. This feedback lets the delay repeats build up instead of decaying – this pushes them deeper into tape saturation, where they will repeat indefinitely, as the sound degrades over time. To ensure a pleasing, lush result, you should adjust the sound of the tape saturation with the High Cut and Low Cut parameters. Set Mix Location to "Post" if you wish to control the signal level of the saturated delay by the Mix control.

    In contrast to the Freeze function, Infinity Feedback still lets you add more signal to the delay, creating intermodulation with the repeated signal.

    üThe “Freeze” and “Infinity” soft buttons can both be assigned to one of the Effects Buttons of the PROFILER Remote. Step and hold the desired Effects Button (I to IIII) while you press the "Freeze" soft button or the "Infinity" soft button.

  • You can reassign the TAP button in System Menu, page Remote Buttons, function Button Assignments. You will find "Freeze" in the selection. be aware, that this will be applied to all Freezes in all modules. If you control Freeze via Effect Button I-IIII it can be assigned to a particular module.