Noise with single coils when play close on Tower PC

  • Hi All

    I use a PC for play and record guitar session and I would like know how resolve single coils noise.

    I tried to switch off LCD Monitor but seem be that noise coming from PC:

    Could be an improvement the replacement of PC case ?

    Where is the origin of noise ? Power supply or VGA card ?

    I know I am able to resolve issue with shielding my guitars

    but I think is more fast to resolve the hum on the PC.

    Thank you guys for the support !;)


  • I don't know of anything you can do besides change your position, I have had some success in changing the position on the tower in relation to the monitor. The worst of it occurs when the front of the guitar faces towards my screen.

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • I played a corporate gig two weeks ago were I had the worse hum on my Strat I've encountered in the 20 years I have been playing guitar. The noise gate on the Kemper only kicked in when I almost cranked it as far as it would go. Usually moving a meter or two away from where I'm standing stops most RF noise I get but It only dissipated when I moved 10 meters away from the stage. I had to play the whole gig in positions 2 and 4 and with my Les Paul. The venue is a very old country club here in South Africa and I suspect the wiring somewhere in the building is a bit dodgy but I couldn't find the source. That made me think that I perhaps need to start playing with a HSS style guitar just so that I won't be in this position again. Or alternatively put a bigsby on my Les Paul that I bring along for a song or two we play. Playing without a tremolo will take some adjusting and I haven't found a noiseless pickup that I like yet, but at this stage anything is better than having that noise again. I sometimes get a clicking sound from an electric fence at venues, but this was horrible.

  • Another culprit to look at is florescent lights. I always use a furman power conditioner and that helps. Also look at Clarity if you are using alot of Gain, sometimes you can turn the Clarity (in the Amp section, it mixes clean guitar into the signal) down which allows you to decrease the Gain but still retain the sound you want. GL

  • I have a laser printer in my home office which is connected via WiFi. Depending on the position of the Strat it makes terrible noise once single coil positions are used. PCs, screens, neon lights etc. are typical equipment which causes these noises. Not much way around it than changing positions, using humbuckers (even in single coil format) or cleaning up the environment from all what sends out nasty stuff.

  • I played a corporate gig two weeks ago were I had the worse hum on my Strat I've encountered in the 20 years I have been playing guitar. The noise gate on the Kemper only kicked in when I almost cranked it as far as it would go. Usually moving a meter or two away from where I'm standing stops most RF noise I get but It only dissipated when I moved 10 meters away from the stage. I had to play the whole gig in positions 2 and 4 and with my Les Paul. The venue is a very old country club here in South Africa and I suspect the wiring somewhere in the building is a bit dodgy but I couldn't find the source. That made me think that I perhaps need to start playing with a HSS style guitar just so that I won't be in this position again. Or alternatively put a bigsby on my Les Paul that I bring along for a song or two we play. Playing without a tremolo will take some adjusting and I haven't found a noiseless pickup that I like yet, but at this stage anything is better than having that noise again. I sometimes get a clicking sound from an electric fence at venues, but this was horrible.

    Fishman Fluence pickups. Just put a set in my Tele, replacing Fender '52 reissues. I *like* the old pickups.....but terribly noisy.

    The Fishmans are so quiet, I turned off the noise gate entirely. Even with a fair amount of gain, wide open and not touching the strings.....quiet as a tomb. Just crazy quiet.

  • Hi Guys

    First: Thank you All for your support !

    I know that be far from PC or change only position

    (angle of guitar in relation of PC) improve a lot the situation,

    and I am pretty sure that my issue could be resolved to buy a IMac PC Apple

    (seem be the best for audio production and other guitarist can play Strat

    with less noise).

    Someone told me that Intel CPUs are the Antenna Hum or that could be the Nvidia VGA

    and I think that a Faraday Shield can resolve (in this case the PC Case).

    No one have more info about it ?

    I am pretty sure is not only my Issue with single coils ...


  • Long ago I got completely sick of noise on stage and started using EMGs. They never inspired me while playing the guitar but listening back to recordings, or listening to another guitarist playing them, they always sounded excellent. Sort of a getting used to thing.

    I love my passive pickup guitars and record with them lots, but I've only used EMG equipped guitars out in public for ages. Always dead quiet.