Mimicing a wet/dry amp setup- delay?

  • Hey guys,

    I can't seem to find a way to do this and the search here isn't getting me answers... So if anyone has answers let me know please.

    After my almost 8 years of recording a ton with the KPA I am preparing to start gigging again (long story).

    In any case, when I record I always add delays afterward in my DAW. I record the Kemper like a dry amp, just like every time I would with amps in the studio.

    I record mono and then clone the track and pan it to the side with the delay. I don't want the stereo millisecond thing, I want a paired mono sound... Just one with delay.

    This sounds like my old wet/dry two amp setups I used prior to the Kemper and I am really happy with that.

    With the delay coming out of the Kemper is there a way to have dry on one side and delay only panned to the other speaker (running two cabs obviously)?

    It's a really nice delay, but I'd prefer it only on one speaker... It's too washy for my ears, or too low in the mix.

    I hope that makes sense!

    Thanks for any help!!

    Spotify, iTunes, Bandcamp, etc... Lugosi Smile

  • I think you have to utilize two different KPA outputs for your desired setup (e.g. Monitor and Direct Out). I'm not in front of my KPA atm so maybe I'm not using the right terms, but I'd dial one output to Mod Mono (signal chain up to the Mod module) and the other one to Reverb/Delay only. If you own a powered Kemper you only have one powered output so you'll need a second amp to fire up the second cab.

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • Not sure if it's exactly what you want but I sometimes use my guitar mono dry with my power rack and then a pair or dxr10s with a wet signal. Sounds great but changing volume is a nightmare since it messes with the delay/reverb levels.

    Kemper PowerRack |Kemper Stage| Rivera 4x12 V30 cab | Yamaha DXR10 pair | UA Apollo Twin Duo | Adam A7X | Cubase DAW
    Fender Telecaster 62 re-issue chambered mahogany | Kramer! (1988 or so...) | Gibson Les Paul R7 | Fender Stratocaster HBS-1 Classic Relic Custom Shop | LTD EC-1000 Evertune | 1988 Desert Yellow JEM

  • I think you have to utilize two different KPA outputs for your desired setup (e.g. Monitor and Direct Out). I'm not in front of my KPA atm so maybe I'm not using the right terms, but I'd dial one output to Mod Mono (signal chain up to the Mod module) and the other one to Reverb/Delay only. If you own a powered Kemper you only have one powered output so you'll need a second amp to fire up the second cab.

    Thanks so much guys, I'll try this later

    I have a stage these days, so a pair of powered monitors

    ... Crossing fingers!

    Spotify, iTunes, Bandcamp, etc... Lugosi Smile

  • how about Dual Delay, 100% wet,

    one side with 0ms delay, the other with whatever ms amount you want to use

    Thanks Don

    Couldn't get to work for me though... Maybe I have something set wrong elsewhere?

    I cannot get a delay, any of the delays, to pan or sound panned. I don't even see a "side" in the Dual delay.

    Read the manual, pushed the buttons.

    Couldn't figure the Monitor/Main thing either , have two monitors hooked up, but couldn't get the monitor output to make anything... I did go into output to turn it up.

    What am I missing?

    Probably a sign that I shouldn't gig again.

    Spotify, iTunes, Bandcamp, etc... Lugosi Smile

  • Did you check the output menu? Just to make sure the monitor out isn't turned off...

    Voilà !

    We have a winner!

    I had it turned back off after all the different things I tried (derp).

    That worked like a charm, and everything sounds fantastic this way.

    Can't thank you enough, I appreciate all the help very much!!

    Spotify, iTunes, Bandcamp, etc... Lugosi Smile

  • Since I record dry I set it so the Mains were dry, the Monitor out wet.

    Hopefully this spring!! I have to finish my new release first and get past the holidays.

    Going to do the Buckethead thing and play with backing tracks live, at least at first.

    I would need a good sized band to play my weird music.

    Thanks again!

    Spotify, iTunes, Bandcamp, etc... Lugosi Smile