Charging for profiles?

  • I've already said I would gladly pay towards Tills and one or two others here.

    I'm about to make my own investment - just finished an album using a Route66 and a Roadster simultaneously, with three mics on each cab going through monster pre's. I'm booking the studio for a day to get ten variations of exactly that tone down into my KPA.

    I heard some of your Route66 and a Roadster recorded tones in your car that day, sounded doubt about it, these are going to be very special Profiles.

    + 1 on your Till's cabs comment, those cab files are worth paying for.

  • My whole concept is, if I can recoup the costs of renting a studio and an engineer to help mic the amps, then I can afford to do ALL my amps, and ones I can borrow from friends, etc. I have access to a lot of gear.

    If I couldn't recoup the costs, then I might do a few of my favorite amps that way and then just never do the others as I'd rather spend my money on other stuff than invest too much $ in studio time.

    Of course it's more than just the amps - I have two '72 Marshall cabs that are stock - a slant and a straight, and they sound VERY good. Also have a bogner 4x12, an oversize mesa 4x12 w/armor, a mesa half back 4x12, a '76 marshall w/blackback celestions, a JCM800 cab with very well worn in G75s, a few V30 marshall cabs, etc.

    I'm going to try a few of my vintage marshalls first - and we'll see how they stack up to my ones I did at home. Hey, I may find that being in a studio with awesome mikes and an engineer and such don't make a difference on the Kemper. If so, then I'll just keep on keepin' on with home stuff.

    I was figuring on several different amp settings, and different mics - SM57 straight, SM57 angled, Maybe a Royer R121, MD421. Mics blended on a few profiles too. So for example, my '70 SuperLead would get the following:

    1) Everything dimed SM 57 angled

    2) SM 57 straight

    3) Royer R121

    4) MD421

    5) 57 Straight MD421 blend

    6) 57 straight Royer R121 blend

    7) Everything dimed, channels jumpered

    8 57 straight

    9) Royer R121

    10) MD421

    11) 57 Straight MD421 blend

    12) 57 straight Royer R121 blend

    13) gain 3/4 SM 57 angled

    14) SM 57 straight

    15) Royer R121

    16) MD421

    17) 57 Straight MD421 blend

    18) 57 straight Royer R121 blend

    19) Gain 3/4 up, EQ dimed, channels jumpered

    20) SM 57 straight

    21) Royer R121

    22) MD421

    23) 57 Straight MD421 blend

    24) 57 straight Royer R121 blend

    Of course if certain mikes didn't sound good, then I wouldn't use em, etc. I could see how I could end up with a LOT of profiles of the same amp. My desire is to get enough profiles of these amps that I could sell the original if I wanted and not feel like I was missing anything.

    We'll find out one way or the other :)


  • I may just put up say the first set of studio marshall profiles on a webpage with a paypal 'donate' link. If you like em and use em, send me what you think they are worth. Go by the honor system.

    If enough people send me $, then I do a different amp and put them up. Rinse and repeat.

    If they don't pay for whatever reason (think the profiles suck, or they use them and don't donate), then enjoy what I put up and it stops there.

    Sounds fair to me, and probably what I'll do.


  • to be honest I can see why you might need to charge for them but I wouldnt pay for them.

    I guess the whole ethos is that Kemper players get to share their own amps with others and in this way allow all users to pick which ones they like and which ones to use.

    If profiles are charged for then a little bit of that might get chipped away.....

  • to be honest I can see why you might need to charge for them but I wouldnt pay for them.

    I guess the whole ethos is that Kemper players get to share their own amps with others and in this way allow all users to pick which ones they like and which ones to use.

    If profiles are charged for then a little bit of that might get chipped away.....

    Rob - I totally understand. If you or anyone else rented studio time or rented amps for profiling and I used them, I'd be glad to chip in a few bucks. I'm still going to post amps I profile at home, I just can't afford studio time for every amp I have. If I can get the studio time paid for, then I don't mind spending some time there making the best profiles possible of all the amps I have that are profile worthy. It just bugs me that I have some really nice amps and am basically just tossing an SM57 in front of the amp. I just want to get the most out of my amps.

  • Sharing is caring :thumbup:

    Absolutely zero chance of me spending money on a profile, even if the profile was done by EVH himself (well, maybe I would pay for that). Kidding. Still no way.

    One of the greatest attributes of the Kemper is sharing your treasured amps worldwide. Right on Kemper's main webpage "SHARE YOUR PRECIOUS AMPS". Right on Kemper! Now leave it somebody to find a way to "monetize" a perfectly cool thing. Not many things are free in this world, I support the openness of sharing. The world was a better place when Napster was free (just my opinion)

    I understand your out of pocket costs though for studio time, the price of gear, etc. It adds up....and kudos for being an entrepreneur trying to get paid! Obviously you are just trying to recoup your costs and I appreciate that.

    But there is no way I would ever buy one. One of the key reasons I bought the Kemper was the fact you could SHARE your profiles.

    Have said that -- go for it. Free enterprise.

  • I think we should make a 'community project' out of it - I tried profiling my amps at home, and it's been next to impossible because of the amount of noise it generates. to the studio... (rental + engineer)... gee.

    Whilst I'm 'opposed' to the idea that we 'charge' for it, I like the 'donate' idea. If we get some good profiles up, it's just a 'donation' to cover the costs - and this helps in terms of ensuring that good profiles are made available!

    Some of those artists in Kemper Youtube Videos have some killer profiles that are sadly not uploaded (not all of them anyway)! So yeah, I won't pay outright for profiles, but I will donate. Would be great to refine the profile using different guitars as well - semi hollow, humbuckers, split 'buckers, single coils... yada2...

    and I reckon an XY-mic for the profiling will add depth to it as well! Capture more of the nuances (or maybe not)?

    The music shop I bought my kemper off has offered a profiling session with a number of their boutique in-house amps foc (but I'll probably take a six-pack in). It's just that TIME seems to be the enemy here.

  • I would gladly donate or pay to get professionally profiled amps.

    me too. I think it's worth it seeing as I've gone through a ton of user profiles and unfortunately find that I'm not happy with the sound in a fair % of them. professionally profiled amps in my KPA sounds like something worth paying for. Sound samples are a must I think.

  • *Assuming people will be honorable*, I believe the donation method makes some sense, because the people who find them most usable are the ones who would logically donate the most. There is no way to copy protect such profiles, so it all comes down to the 'honor system' anyway - I like to believe most people here will respect and reward quality work...

    All modelers known to man 8o

  • It's just that TIME seems to be the enemy here.

    That´s what i wanted to say. You will spend a LOT of money for just trial and error. Since you got a SM57 already, i would just rent 2 or 3 additional standard guitar mikes and experiment with them for a few days, also by mixing 2 of them.I would also try a suitable condenser that has no overly sharp highs. It has much faster attack and reproduces more transients than any dynamic mic. Combined with a SM57 or a 421 this might give you great results.

    However you simply cannot do guitar amping 8 hours a day because you simply need some fresh ears after a few hours.

    Time is the most critical factor here, you might easily get the people to donate some bucks to compensate equipment rental, but i don´t think you can compensate a few 1000 bucks for studio rental.

  • I have to say, that model is not really in keeping with the community ideal that will make this piece of gear as good as it can be. Maybe be aware that there is no way to secure your product at all, one person could buy then share with the world and then you would make next to nothing. Many of us would be happy to donate for good work, a better route would be share your work with a donate button as is the norm in dev communities for other tech stuff. I for one would donate if the rigs were that good.

    In addition depending on guitar used etc... every profile needs tweaking, some people may not be happy with what they receive in comparison with a professionally recorded sound clip.

  • Bad idea, imho! :thumbdown:

    I don't see why i should share my profiles for free any further, if others gonna charge for theirs!
    I have to pay studio fee too !

    My profiles may not be everybody's favorites, but it took a lot of time and money to realize them, and i learned about profiling during that first session. I've got another session coming up with some really nice amps and cabs that i will borrow from fellow guitarists.
    Not shure that i'm goin' to share those if that "profiles for money" idea comes up again.

    But we already had that discussion, everything has been said.

    That's my point.



  • I agree with Rez..
    Ive been profiling a lot of Vintage amps last 5 days.. (at cost to me) to hire good mics. so why should I now share them after this?
    But really I do them for me. and I share because somone out there my benifit from my work.- NOT for profit
    After all is this not what KPA community is about?
    By doing this whole Purchace a Profile situation, your making everyone out there feel worthless, or even pontless, and will see less and less profiles posted.
    It will be a chain effect.. - whats to stop Person X profiling his amp, adding a charge.. then Person Y sees this and also decides to do the same becasuse person X can do it.. so on and so forth. before you know it.. the KPA community is no more. - more to the point you end up with spammers in threads trying to sell there warez!
    WHY you think the AKAI Died.. that started off the same, a free sample share house.. untill a few guys decided to sell samples..Big buisness now sure..but the whole system closed down pretty fast!

    Anwyay.. I also think the OP is thinking this way too early. - I mean I expected this to happen.. but I expected it much further when the KPA was a more stable unit.. as well, we all know its still beta and there is a lot of improvments to come. so its best to wait at least a year or so untill the unit, AND community has grown a lot more.
    There..said it.. disagree with me or not. but its how I feel.