MP3 in - what’s the secret?

  • I apologize if this has been asked before - searched and couldn’t find a good answer and the manual wasn’t really as clear (unless it’s just me).

    I’m wanting to play along with some backing tracks for practice - according to the manual for my Kemper Stage... I need a patch cable with 2 TS outs to plug into the return 1/2. I had that plugged into my iPad, set up the effects loop and then adjusted the audio. Here’s the odd thing... I had sound, but the backing was only playing the left side of the stereo (can tell because the track had some hard panned guitar parts R/L) field although it played through both my headphone speakers.

    Hopefully that makes sense - what am I doing wrong? I‘ve read where others use a small mixer... is that really the best way? Seem’s overly complicated if that’s the case.

    Thanks in advance!

  • I would suggest some kind mixer (big or small) to be able to control those different sources

    ex in1-2 (Kemper) 3-4 (stereo backing track)

    The idea to put everything trough the Kemper is too much I think.

    Your mixer could be used for many other things too in the future jamming with a bassman or keyboard player etc

    Paul:love: (goodadvice)