Losing MIDI presets again

  • Here's what is happening:

    Using the Kemper live with a Ground Control Pro midi footpedal. After tweaking a preset and saving it, midi 'lost' the assignment. Here are my dupe steps:

    1) Load preset
    2) Change reverb mix on preset
    3) save preset
    4) change to another preset w/midi controller
    5) go back to midi preset from step 1 above, and it goes to a different preset. When I look at the midi assignments, it shows as 'unassigned'.

    I was told the last time this happened to reset the midi on the kemper, but this is a pain in the ass solution. Please advise. BTW, I'm using version 1.0.8 currently, had this happen under 1.0.5 also.

  • I can not replicate this behaviour at all (
    Please do make a backup of your KPA and sent it together with a detailed description (including which program slot numbers you are using etc.) to our support. This way we might be able to replicate and find a possible bug.

  • Timo, I believe it would be helpful if you would also show up as moderator or team member, not everybody here knows who you are. Maybe add a note to your signature. For newcomers you're a beginner with a low post count, there's the risk they are going to ignore you.

    Edit:...and therefore miss your advice.


    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

    Edited once, last by guitarnet70 (April 23, 2012 at 8:46 PM).

  • Very odd. I back up one kemper and dump it on the other and havent lost a setting yet. The only goofy stuff I get in midi-i do to myself, like nuking a preset I had set-then when you press the foot controller it doesnt change-because there isnt a preset to change to, so it just stays where it is.

    Guitars-Lifeson Axcess Red, Lifeson Axcess Brown, Iced Tea Axcess stop tail, LRP Sig 57
    Amp-Axefx2, KPA, G5, GSP1101, RCF, QSC, Matrix, EHX-Mag44

  • Thanks, I will do that. May even take a real quick video clip of the issue happening. It's not a big deal when I'm at home, but at the gig it nearly gave me a heart attack - expecting to see my high gain solo patch come up and it pulls a vintage clean amp tone. NOT a good feeling!


    I can not replicate this behaviour at all (
    Please do make a backup of your KPA and sent it together with a detailed description (including which program slot numbers you are using etc.) to our support. This way we might be able to replicate and find a possible bug.

  • Here's what is happening:

    Using the Kemper live with a Ground Control Pro midi footpedal. After tweaking a preset and saving it, midi 'lost' the assignment. Here are my dupe steps:

    1) Load preset
    2) Change reverb mix on preset
    3) save preset
    4) change to another preset w/midi controller
    5) go back to midi preset from step 1 above, and it goes to a different preset. When I look at the midi assignments, it shows as 'unassigned'.

    I was told the last time this happened to reset the midi on the kemper, but this is a pain in the ass solution. Please advise. BTW, I'm using version 1.0.8 currently, had this happen under 1.0.5 also.

    I have the same issue.
    But I noticed that happend to rigs I assigned to more then one midi preset numbers.
    The lowest preset number is still intact.
    I am currently on version 1.0.8 beta but it happend in earlier version too.
    Hope this helps in some way :)
    // Björn

  • Hm, actually it does. But indeed, that is a bug. Multiple assignments is the key to this bug. I added an issue to our bug base.

    You mean that it should support it but it doesn't? I was just stating what the stand is, tried it (wanted to have song based "scenes" on the midi controller) and it does not work.
    I've put up a feature request a while ago for this.....how should you assign multiple program change messages to the same Rig? The menu allows you to set only one....

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Ok, I found the bug. As usual in these cases, "stupid bug" :rolleyes:
    Consider it being fixed for the next release. Actually, the bug triggered a couple of other things that might been strange, like deleting a rig, but still appearing in the list (in case it was assigned twice).
    To answer the question regarding multiple assignments: You could select slot #1, press assign, select slot #3 press assign again and the rig is assigned to program change 1 and 3. erasing the rig will leave 1 and 3 unassigned, changing a rig will "update" 1 and 3 (since it is just a link to the current rig). On the Browse page the MIDI number only shows the first assignment in this case ("1").

  • Ok, I found the bug. As usual in these cases, "stupid bug" :rolleyes:
    Consider it being fixed for the next release. Actually, the bug triggered a couple of other things that might been strange, like deleting a rig, but still appearing in the list (in case it was assigned twice).
    To answer the question regarding multiple assignments: You could select slot #1, press assign, select slot #3 press assign again and the rig is assigned to program change 1 and 3. erasing the rig will leave 1 and 3 unassigned, changing a rig will "update" 1 and 3 (since it is just a link to the current rig). On the Browse page the MIDI number only shows the first assignment in this case ("1").

    Timo, thanks for looking into this a I have run across it as well. Is there a way to prevent any user uploaded rig to the exchange from overwriting midi assignments if they were assigned by the uploader, or is it not a possible issue?

  • Timo, thanks for looking into this a I have run across it as well. Is there a way to prevent any user uploaded rig to the exchange from overwriting midi assignments if they were assigned by the uploader, or is it not a possible issue?

    The MIDI assignment is not part of the rig file. A rig that is copied to a different KPA is just unassigned until you assign it on that second KPA.

  • I hv the same issue...
    Bjorn, what do u mean by 'u assigned rigs to more than one midi preset numbers'??? Did u find a solution for it???

  • I hv the same issue...
    Bjorn, what do u mean by 'u assigned rigs to more than one midi preset numbers'??? Did u find a solution for it???

    Sorry I am so late to answer you.
    For me a newer programversion fixed this issue, (currently on 1.1.0).
    The problem was as an example:
    1. If I assigned a rig to midi preset number 001 and assigned the same rig to say midi preset 006.
    (I am sometimes using my pedalboard like this, same rig on different pedal/bank).
    2. If I edit the rig for example changing EQ, delay or something else and save the rig it was not longer assign to midi preset 006
    3. If I changed to midi preset 001 it was still assigned there.

    Before I upgraded to newer program version I had to assigned it once more to midi preset 006 after editing.
    Now after upgrading it´s working fine, I dont have to reassign the rig after editing :)
    If I remember correctly only rigs assigned to more then one midi presetnumber had this problem.
    Hope you understand what I mean :)
    // Björn

  • A solution would be (not the best but a solution anyway) to save the rig multiple times. E.g. Put a "001" or "006" before the name and then assign the presets to those midi numbers. If you want to tweak the preset change the "master" and safe it as both.

    Should do the trick I guess.