Stage losing Day/Time when power disconnected

  • I took mine back to the service centre. It turns out the clamp that hold the battery was loose.

    This has been tightened along with one only switches that needed some silicone spray into it. The switch itself was loose too and needed tightening. In addition the spring inside the switch was stretched a little.

    The clock error is now gone!!!

    The final summary is that my unit is functioning properly now!! Yippee!

    Hopefully trouble free from herein! a little disappointed in the first two months of ownership. Here’s to a better more reliable future as the Kemper sounds the goods.

  • I took mine back to the service centre. It turns out the clamp that hold the battery was loose.

    This has been tightened along with one only switches that needed some silicone spray into it. The switch itself was loose too and needed tightening. In addition the spring inside the switch was stretched a little.

    Thank You kingjb99 ?

    About “ silicone spray into " a switches - IS GOOD IDEA !!
    Because my second switch maybe need this little “ magic operation “ .

    Kemper Profile Amp - Kemper remote , Kemper Stage

    2 beer or not 2 beer :thumbup:
    Mr. Serge

  • I still have the clock error problem unfortunately.

    Have the latest software on it (

    Can someone who has a clue summarize...

    - whether it is a software or hardware problem?

    - what can help?

    - what the loose battery holder is all about? Where can I find this battery and can I reattach it myself if it solves the problem at all?

    And yes, a few days ago, I did set everything right ("After 2017 Bug"?)

    My Kemper doesn't freeze or anything like that, but this message at the beginning of every startup gets on my nerves.

    Thank you!

  • I had a "clock/date error" at startup on my rack unit. Changed the battery, haven't had the problem since.

    I probably don't have much credibility since I've never posted anything on the forum before, but I hope it can help someone.