Moving the wah around when using Mission Engineering KP1 pedal?

  • There are some songs where I want a stronger sounding wah (tom morello style) so I use it in the X slot on my Kemper. However there is sometimes I want a more subtle wah and would like it to be on the front end (A,B,C or D stomp box), however it seems that my mission engineering pedal only controls whatever is in the X slot (I can change it to control different slots, but it seems that it is locked to that spot once I put that in).

    Is there a way to move my wah around from pre to post or post to pre but the pedal also follows where it goes?

  • There are some songs where I want a stronger sounding wah (tom morello style) so I use it in the X slot on my Kemper. However there is sometimes I want a more subtle wah and would like it to be on the front end (A,B,C or D stomp box), however it seems that my mission engineering pedal only controls whatever is in the X slot (I can change it to control different slots, but it seems that it is locked to that spot once I put that in).

    Is there a way to move my wah around from pre to post or post to pre but the pedal also follows where it goes?

    I am assuming you have the EP1-KP Mission Pedal specifically designed to be used with the Kemper Amp. It sounds like you might have the TS switch on the pedal assigned to X to activate the wah function, what I do is put the wah in any module slot and choose to have the pedal set to bypass at stop (you can also use bypass at heal or toe). That way you don't have to rely on the TS switch of the pedal to activate the wah - simply leave it on in the effects module and as soon as you move the pedal it will activate the wah and when you quit moving the pedal it automatically shuts it off and it shouldn't matter where you have it assigned.. I took the TS switch and assigned it to reverb so I can use it to turn on and off reverb if I want. -

    “I used to jog but the ice cubes kept falling out of my glass.”

    Dave Lee Roth of Van Halen - 1979

  • Yes.

    The Toe Switch is a fixed assignment but the Expression pedal, of set to wah will automatically control whichever slot the Wah effect type has been loaded into. However, I don’t think you would necessarily need to disable the TS as long as you don't have another FX in the slot you normally use for Wah when using Wah in Slot X you should be fine. In fact, even if you do have another FX in the normal slot (say Stomp A for example) as long as you don’t push the TS when using the Wah you should still be fine. The Wah bypass is an Effect level setting so you should be able to just change it from On to Bypass at ....... in the specific rigs where it is in slot X.

    If you want to have the ability to bypass the Wah with a footswitch click you can assign one of the I - IIII buttons on the remote to do this for specific rigs rather than use bypass at.... if you prefer.

    I haven’t actually tried this so I am not 100z sure it will work but I’m reasonably confident so give it a try.